Curse of Strahd - Flip eBook Pages 101-150 (2024)

100 N2c. TAPROOM Damp cloaks hang from pegs in the entrance portico. The tavern is packed with tables and chairs, with narrow paths meandering between them. A bar stretches along one wall, under a balcony that can be reached by a wooden staircase that hugs the north wall. Another balcony overhangs an entrance to the east. All the windows are fitted with thick shutters and crossbars. Lanterns hanging above the bar and resting on the tables bathe the room in dull orange light and cast shadows upon the walls, most of which are adorned with wolf heads mounted on wooden plaques. The double doors leading into the taproom can be barred shut from within. Mounted on braces and tucked into alcoves behind the bar are three wine barrels, each one three-quarters empty. Two of the barrels contain Purple Grapemash No. 3 (a cheap wine), and the third contains Red Dragon Crush (a fine wine). A brass spigot is hammered into each barrel. Danika Martikov usually tends bar while her husband busies himself in the kitchen (area N2e). Their boys, Brom and Bray, scamper about and easily get underfoot. Between dawn and noon, there are no patrons here, and the Martikovs are upstairs in their bedrooms (areas N2o and N2p) or in the attic (area N2q). From noon to dusk, the taproom holds 2d4 local patrons (LG male and female commoners). Between dusk and midnight, 2d8 Vallakians are here. In addition, one or more of the following people might be present during this time. Wolf Hunters. Szoldar Szoldarovich and Yevgeni Krushkin (N male human scouts) are local hunters who frequent the Blue Water Inn. They kill wolves and sell the meat for a living, and their work is dangerous and bloody. Both men are grim and have haunted looks in their eyes. These two are dour fellows, but they seldom pass up an opportunity to earn coin. If the characters are looking for guides or information about the land of Barovia, Szoldar and Yevgeni can be of service. They aren't afraid to venture beyond Vallaki's walls during the day, and they know the woods and valley well. They're willing to serve as guides for.5 gp per day, or to provide directions to important landmarks in. exchange for free drinks. They think it's foolish to travel "th;is cursed realm" at night and won\do �o:-u�lesi, thefr �ayment is exorbitant (100 gp or mo�e):_ · . : ,·:,·.'-' ·. - : On rare occasions wheffhe na's'sorriething to say, Szoldar speaks brusquely, while Yevgeni usually parrots his friend in not so many words. Szoldar has a notch in . his bow for every wolf he's killed, while Yevgeni adds a .new swatch to his wolfskin cloak every time he makes a kill. Both men have families but spend most of their time together, either drowning their sorrows or hunting in the woods. Most of the wolf heads that adorn the tavern walls are the result of their handiwork. CHAPTER 5 I THE TOWN OF VALLAKI 5"?.0LDI\R 5"?.0LDI\ROVICH YevGENI l<RUSHKIN Wachter Brothers. Nikolai and Karl Wachter (N male human nobles) are brothers of noble birth. They are brash drunkards always looking for trouble, though they are smart enough not to pick fights with well-armed strangers. Their mother, Fiona Wachter (see area N4), is an influential figure in town, but her sons never talk about her. They'd rather listen to tales of the characters' harrowing adventures or hear about how the characters plan to free Vallaki from the burgomaster's madness. Rictavio. The Ione guest of the Blue Water Inn at present is a colorfully dressed half elf bard who goes by the name Rictavio-a false identity adopted by the legendary vampire hunter Rudolph van Richten (see appendix D). He regales tavern patrons with stories so outrageous as to be hardly believable, yet he asserts they are true indeed. Rictavio claims to be a carnival ringmaster from a distant land. He's been staying at the inn for a·lmost a month, taking advantage of Urwin Martikov's generosity and good nature. When he arrived, he was accompanied by a monkey named Piccolo. The monkey wasn't welcome at the inn, so Rictavio gave it to the local toymaker (see area N7). Rictavio admits to having no musica! talent but man· ages to entertain locals nonetheless with his stories of faraway places. Twice each day, at dawn and again at dusk, he leaves the inn with a couple of apples and a cooked wolf steak wrapped in a handkerchief: He claims the food is for his portly friend, "the ·destitute toymaker" (area N7) and his pet monkey. In fact, the apples are for his horse Drusilla (area N2f), and the steak is for his captured _saber-toothed tiger (area NS). · During his stay at the inn, Rictavio is quietly gathering • irtformation on the Keepers of the Feather, trying to -

figure out the identities of all the wereravens in town. He's also trying to learn as much as he can about the Vistani, particularly the ones living in the camp just outside town (area N9). Once he concludes that they are in league with Strahd, Rictavio plans to unleash his trained saber-toothed tiger upon them, with or without the support of the wereravens. Rictavio wears a hat of disguise and a ring of mind shielding to conceal his identity. He carries an iron key that unlocks the door to his carnival wagon (area NS). N2D. WINE STORAGE I This hallway contains three curtained alcoves as well as a I larger area stuffed with wine barrels. The Martikovs store their wine here. Tucked behind red curtains are three alcoves, each one containing a half-emptied wine barrel lying on its side in a wooden brace. Twelve empty wine barrels are piled two high near the door to the kitchen (area N2e). All the barrels have the Wizard of Wines name burned into them. Nine of the fifteen barrels, including two of the barrels in the curtained alcoves, have the following label burned into their sides, under the winery's name: Purple Grapemash No. 3. Six of the fifteen barrels, including one of the barrels in the curtained alcoves, have a different label: Red Dragon Crush. The double doors that lead outside can be barred shut from within. N2E. KITCHEN This room looks like the kitchen of someone who loves to cook. It has piles of pots, walls lined with utensils and shelves of ingredients, and all manner of pleasant odors. Two lanterns hang above a sturdy pine worktable in the middle of the clutter. A pot of soup bubbles on the hearth. Urwin Martikov, who prepares most of the meals, is found here throughout the day. He occasionally receives help from his two boys, but they are easily distracted. A cupboard against the east wall holds most of the inn's supply of cutlery and dishware, none of it valuable. A door in the west wall leads outside and is usually barred from the inside. A secret door at the west end of the south wall can be pushed open to reveal a wooden staircase that leads ·up to area N2i. N2F. STABLE The sliding wooden doors on the west wall of this room are held shut by an iron lock and chain. Urwin carries the key to the lock. The.qoors to.the north and south can, be barred shut from tht: in.side but are usually unlocked. You hear the squawking of birds and the plaintive whinny of a horse as you peer inside this stable. The stalls are clean and well maintained. One of them contains a gray mare. A small door is set into the east wall, and a wooden ladder gives access to a loft overhead. Perched on the wooden railing that encloses the loft are dozens of ravens. Any character who has a horse can keep it here for 1 sp per night. The gray mare is a draft horse named Drusilla, and she likes apples. The horse belongs to Rictavio (see area N2c). The small door in the east wall can be pulled open to reveal area N2g. The loft is described in area N2h. N2G. STORAGE This small room lies under a wooden staircase (area N2i). Hanging from wooden pegs are saddles and barding to equip two horses. In an unlocked wooden chest are a dozen horseshoes, a wooden mallet, and a mound of horseshoe nails. N2H. RAVENS' LOFT Dim light spilling in through a pair of dirt-encrusted windows reveals piles of hay with pitchforks sticking out of them. Ravens rule this roost-you can see hundreds of them. Characters who search the loft thoroughly find three pitchforks and a locked wooden chest buried under a pile of hay (see "Treasure" below), next to a secret door. If the characters tamper with the chest, the ravens gather into four s�arms of ravens and attack. If two swarms are killed, the others flee. Otherwise, they cease their attacks if the characters leave the chest alone. If the fighting continues for more than 3 rounds, Urwin Martikov and two other wereravens hear the ruckus and investigate (in human form). A secret door in the back of the loft can be pushed open to reveal a bedchamber (area N2p) beyond. No ability check is required to spot the secret door, because light in the room beyond slips through the door's cracks. Treasure. Inside the locked chest are 140 ep, 70 pp, two elixirs of health, three potions of healing, and a gray bag of tricks. The coins are embossed with the profiled likeness of Strahd von Zarovich. N21. SECRET STAIRS AND HALL A wooden staircase to the north descends fifteen feet to a landing. A window dimly illuminates a short, wood-paneled hallway that runs west to east. - • ,i. :�·� � �?(·:,:-�/��·:;,··��,-�;··�,!-'!4 ;_ ·:.-;:�.t:·· :-'• ('�: r.,:. /t � ',,:�'. · . .-:.�::Jr·. · · ; ·. Guests. aren) told about "the inn!,s se�reFh;c!,llv.vay .. Ricta­ : . ': vio"kric,�s·o(1fs exi�tente.be6iusi·.iie_p,asna{rifthe·· · - ••.• · ... \:- . ' ,L • ·� : .-·:; ?�·� �-'��.-·:·. ';�: .. - CHAPTER 5 I THE.TOWN OF VALLAKl 1 · ... .

J02 Martikov boys opening and closing the secret door closest to his room (area N2n). At each end of this area is a secret door, each of which is easy to spot from inside the hallway (no ability check required). The northern secret door, at the bottom of the staircase, can be pulled open to reveal the kitchen (area N2e) beyond. The eastern secret door can be pulled open to reveal a balcony (area N2j) that overlooks the taproom. N2J. GREAT BALCONY A wooden balcony stretches the full length of the taproom, enclosed by a wooden railing carved with raven motifs. The taproom's many lanterns illuminate the rafters and cast ominous shadows on the peaked ceiling. The balcony floor is 15 feet above the taproom floor. A secret door at the south end of the western wall can be pushed open to reveal a wood-paneled hallway (area N2i) beyond. N2K. GUEST BALCONY This twenty-foot-long balcony provides a clear view of the bar and has a wooden railing carved with raven motifs. The taproom's many lanterns illuminate the rafters and cast ominous shadows on the peaked ceiling. The balcony floor is 15 feet above the taproom floor. N2L. GUEST ROOMS These two rooms have identical furnishings. Two cozy beds with matching footlockers rest in the far corners of this fifteen-foot-square room. Wolf furs are heaped atop each bed. Between the beds, a lamp sits on a table under a shuttered window. Two tall black wardrobes stand against the wall by the door. The door to this room can be locked from the inside, and each guest gets a key. Urwin and Danika carry spare keys. The footlockers and wardrobes are empty and are for the use of guests .. N2M. GUEST ROOM ·� .. �- Four plain beds with straw mattresses line the north wall of this well-lit room. Each bed comes with a matching footlocker to store clothing and other belongings. A table and four chairs occupy the corner across from the door. An oil lamp resting on the table casts a bright yellow flame. CHAPTER 5 I THE TOWN OF VALLAKI The door to this room can be locked from the inside, and each guest receives a key. Urwin and Danika carry spare keys. The footlockers are empty and are for the use of guests. N2N. PRIVATE GUEST ROOM Rictavio has a key to this room, which is locked at all times. Urwin and Danika carry spare keys. The door's Jock can be picked, but discretion is called for because the door is in plain view of the taproom below. This small guest room contains a bed heaped with wolf furs, a footlocker, a tall wardrobe, and a writing desk with matching chair. An oil lamp rests atop the desk near a journal bound in a red leather jacket. Rictavio sleeps here between midnight and dawn. At dawn, he leaves to check on his horse (area N2f) and his wagon (area NS), returning to the inn around noon. Between noon and dusk, there's a 40 percent chance he is here; otherwise, he's in the taproom (area N2c). At dusk, he leaves the inn to tend to his horse and his wagon again, then returns to his room to retire for the night. Rictavio is too clever to leave anything valuable or incriminating in his room. The footlocker and the wardrobe contain nothing but common clothes and travel wear. Rictavio'sjournal. The journal on the desk is a bit of artifice that Rictavio created to perpetuate the illusion that he is an entertainer in search of new acts for his traveling carnival. His writing makes frequent mention of conversations with Drusilla (which the journal fails to mention is the name of Rictavio's horse) and recounts many long and tedious journeys by wagon. Rictavio has also written about various "oddities" he has seen in his travels, including the following: , A "werehare" child (a boy who transforms into a rabbit on nights of the full moon) , A half-ore woman named Gorabacha who could chew through iron chains , A giant, man-eating plant that had the most remarkable singing voice , A pair of conjoined goblins , A small man with no legs named Filmore Stunk, who could drink whole casks of wine without getting drunk· N2o. Boys' BEDROOM A large, painted toy box rests between two small, cozy beds. Murals of ravens in flight are painted on the walls above the wood paneling. - ,. -· ' Brom and Bray Martikova don't spend much time in this room. The toy box c6ntains:a pil!! of neglected toys, many of them etched with the slogan· "Is No Fun, Is No Blin$ky!" The t<;>ys include the following: , A miniature puppet theater with appropriately sized m�rionetfe� _ o,f a king, a queen, a prince, a princess, an

THE MARTIKOV FAMILV executioner, a tax collector, a dunce, a vampire, and a vampire hunter A garish toy Vistani wagon hitched to a wooden horse and filled with tiny wooden Vistani figures , A pair of painted wooden clown masks, one displaying a mean scowl and the other a frightened expression A wooden top painted with images of scarecrows chasing children through the forest , A stuffed (real) bat on puppet strings A hidden trapdoor in the 8-foot-high ceiling opens into a secret attic (area N2q). N2P. MASTER BEDROOM Matching end tables flank a large wood-framed bed with a red silk canopy. Across from the bed hangs a tapestry depicting a beautiful mountain valley. The other walls are dominated by a fireplace and a wardrobe. Urwin and Danika retire to this room every night before heading to the attic (area N2q) to sleep. This room is for appearances only and contains no valuables. A secret door at the west end of the south wall can be pulled open to reveal the loft beyond (area N2h). A hidden trapdoor in the 8-foot-high ceiling opens into a secret attic (area N2q). N2Q.. SECRET ATTIC This ten-foot-wide, thirty-five-foot-long attic has a ceiling that slants down toward the west, dropping from a height of eight feet to a height of five feet. Four straw nests --- cover the floor, and a locked iron strongbox sits against the north wall. A small square opening in the south wall leads outside. Two trapdoors with iron hinges are set into the floor. The Martikovs sleep here at night in hybrid form. The opening in the south wall is just big enough for a raven or other Tiny creature to pass through. The wereravens can use this opening as an escape route. The strongbox is described in "Treasure" below. Two trapdoors, clearly visible on the floor, can be pulled open to reveal the hedchambers (areas N2o and N2p) that lie directly beneath them. Treasure. Urwin carries the key to the locked iron strongbox. The lock can be picked with thieves' tools and a successful DC 20 Dexterity check. The box contains a sack of 150 ep (each coin bearing the profiled visage of Strahd von Zarovich), six pieces of jewelry (worth 250 gp each), and three potions of healing. FORTUNES OF RAVENLOFT If your card reading reveals that a treasure is here, it is in the iron strongbox. N3. BURGOMASTER'S MANSION This mansion has walls of plastered stone that display many scars where the plaster has fallen away from age and neglect. Drapes cover every window, including a large, arched opening above the mansion's double entrance doors. CHAPTER 5 I THE TOWN OF VALLAKI 103

Burg-omasra-'s mansion (l1rta10) CHAPTER 5 I THE TOWN OF VALLAKI /

People come and go from the mansion at all hours during the day. Guards bring criminals cited for "malicious unhappiness." Men and women arrive carrying bundles of twigs, which are piled about the mansion's grand foyer (area N3a) until the construction of the wicker sun for the Festival of the Blazing Sun gets under way. If the characters knock on the front doors, a maid (LG female human commoner) lets them in, escorts them to the den (area N3e), and leaves to fetch the baron. ROLEPLAYING THE VALLAKOVICH FAMILY Use the following information to roleplay the burgomaster and his family. The Baron. The burgomaster, Baron Vargas Vallakovich (NE male human noble), is a ruthless heel who prides himself on his good breeding and finely honed leadership skills. He stages repeated celebrations to foster happiness, and his "All will be well!" catchphrase has become a sad and tiresome punchline. Baron Vallakovicb has convinced himself that if he can make everyone in Vallaki happy, the town will slip free of Strahd's dark grasp. The baron has a brittle ego, and he lashes out at anyone who pokes fun at his festivals or treats him disrespectfully. He has two pet mastiffs that follow him everywhere, as well as a murderous and deformed henchman named Izek Strazni (see appendix D). In addition to his weapons, Izek carries an iron ring of keys that unlock the stocks in the town square (area NB). If the characters get on his bad side, the baron accuses them of being "spies of the devil Strahd" and sends twelve guards to arrest them, seize their weapons, and run them out of town. If the guards fail in their duty, the baron sends Izek to rally a mob of thirty commoners to lynch the party. If the commoners also fail, the baron summons the twelve remaining guards to defend his mansion, giving characters the run of the town. If the characters get on his good side, he insists that they join him in the next festival as special guests and asks that they tell everyone that all will, indeed, be well. Two members of the baron's household staff have vanished in the past week: the butler and the baroness's lady-in-waiting. The baron has charged Izek with finding out what happened to them, but investigation isn't Izek's forte. Searches have been organized, to no avail. The Baroness. At the risk of sacrificing her sanity, the baron's wife, Lydia Petrovna (LG female human commoner), has embraced her husband's philosophy of happiness. She laughs at th� baron's every comment, to the extent that it has become a nervous reflex, and she tries to spread good cheer by throwing daily tea-andsandwich parties in the parlor for her "dearest friends," many of them poor folk who tolerate the baroness only because they crave something warm to eat and drink. Lydia is a gods-fearing woman and the younger sister of the-town priest, Father Lucian Petrovkh. She is a descendant of Tasha Petrovna, a priest entombed in Castle Ravenloft (chapter 4, area K84, crypt 11). The Baronet. The baron's miserable son, Victor Vallakovich (NE male human mage), has confined himself to the attic (area N3t), where he is content to avoid the unwanted attention of his mother and the disapproving glares of his father. Years ago, Victor found an old spellbook in the mansion's library and used it to teach himself magic. He has been busy constructing a teleportation circle in the hope of escaping Barovia and leaving his parents to their doom. N3A. ENTRANCE HALL AND VESTIBULE Framed portraits adorn the walls of this grand foyer, which features a wide staircase with a sculpted railing. A long, carpeted hall attached to the foyer stretches almost the length of the mansion and has several doors leading away from it, including one at the far end. Bundles of twigs are heaped against the walls. The twigs are being stored here until they can be fashioned into a wooden effigy of the sun (for the Festival of the Blazing Sun). The stairs climb to the upstairs gallery (area N3i). The portraits depict the baron, his family, and their ancestors. Close inspection reveals that some of the people portrayed look very much alike. Tucked in the northeast corner of the foyer is a vestibule packed with fine cloaks, coats, and boots. CHAPTER 5 I THE TOWN OF VALLAKI

... 106 N3B. PARLOR l This parlor contains a fine array offurnishings and draperies, with an overall feminine touch. The baroness sometimes entertains guests here. N3c. DINING ROOM Characters can hear the chatter of female voices as they approach this room. The first time they peer inside, read: A chandelier of wrought iron fitted with wax candles hangs above a polished wooden dining table. Around the table are seated eight women of various ages in comfortable, high-backed chairs. They wear faded clothes, drink tea, and devour cake while a ninth woman, well dressed and very pleased with herself, circles the table and talks excitedly about decorations for the impending festival. l The women seated at the table are eight Vallakian peasants (LG female commoners) invited to spend time with the baroness, Lydia Petrovna, who is bribing them with tea and cake. Lydia has assigned these women the task of stitching children's costumes and weaving together a wicker sun for the Festival of the Blazing Sun. Lydia assumes that the characters are here at the invitation of her husband, the burgomaster. She calls for the maid to take them to the den (area N3e) and then to inform Baron Vallakovich (see area N21) that his guests have arrived. A serving table stands in one corner of the dining hall. N3n. PREPARATION ROOM White sheets cover two plain wooden tables in the center of this room. Neatly arranged atop one table is a complete set of polished silverware. The other table is covered with wicker baskets containing turnips and beets. The beets and turnips are for the Festival of the Blazing Sun (see the "Special Events" section at the end of this chapter). Treasure. The silverware set ;s worth 150 gp. N3E. DEN .. ,, Characters who as� to see thitiu�go�;�t6t aJ�- brought here. '.·-·:': :'.,':/' ; "/ ·· '. ' - '. ··� ·:. � . . - Padded chairs and couches line the walls of this cozy, carpeted den. The room reeks of pipe smoke, and mounted on the east wall is the head of an angry-looking brown bear. CHAPTER 5 I THE TOWN OF VALLAKT The mounted bear's head is meant to unnerve visitors. It serves as a subtle warning not to antagonize the burgomaster, who spends most of his time in the library (area N31). Although the burgomaster claims that his father killed the bear, the head was actually a gift given to his family by the late Szoldar Grygorovich, father of the wolf hunter Szoldar Szoldarovich (area N2). N3F. SERVANTS' QUARTERS l This room contains four simple beds and an equal number of plain wooden trunks. The household staff consists of a maid (LG female human commoner) and a cook (LG male human commoner). The other two beds belonged to the butler and the baroness's lady-in-waiting, both of whom have gone missing (see area N3t). The trunks contain the staff's clothing and uniforms. N3G. KITCHEN A cook wearing a white apron over a black smock busies himself in this warm, well-appointed kitchen. A staircase in one corner climbs to the upper floor. I The staircase leads to the upstairs gallery (area N3i). A door in the west wall leads to a garden outside. The door is usually locked, and both the cook and the burgomaster carry keys to unlock it. N3H. PANTRY This pantry contains shelves of foodstuffs, although half of the shelves are bare. Two barrels of wine stand against the east wall. The pantry has not been fully stocked for as long as anyone can remember. The two barrels contain a fine wine called Red Dragon Crush, created by the Wizard of Wines winery facts burned into the .side of each barrel. N3I. UPSTAIRS GALLERY If the characters arrive here from the entranc� hall (area N3a), read: ;,, ..-: . The staircase climbs twenty feet to a beautifully appointed gallery that continues toward the west, running almost the length of the mansion. Framed landscape paintings line the walls, and red silk drapes cover a tenfoot-tall arched window of leaded glass. If the characters c1rrive here from the kitchen (area N3g), read: ' ', ', ' �·/- . " ··.�. ?� i- . \ I! . ' ---� ���;:="-· ------ - ---- -- \,/ .�.;;_

The staircase climbs to a ten-foot-wide gallery that stretches almost the length of the mansion. Breathtaking paintings of landscapes line the walls. Two separate, narrow hallways lead away from the gallery to the north. N3J. IZEK'S BEDROOM The door to this room is locked. Izek Strazni carries the only key. The following description assumes the characters have met Ireena Kolyana (see chapter 3, area E4). If the characters haven't met her, don't read the last sentence. Dolls. This room is full of pretty little dolls with powder-white skin and auburn hair, some of them dressed beautifully, others plainly. Some of the dolls fill a long bookshelf, and others are arranged in neat rows on wallmounted shelves. Still others are piled atop a bed and a heavy wooden chest. What's most odd is that all of the dolls, apart from their clothing, look the same. They all look like lreena Kolyana. The burgomaster's monstrous henchman, Izek Strazni (see appendix D), sleeps here at night. During the day, he is in town taking care of his master's business. Izek's chest is unlocked and contains a heap of wrinkled clothes, under which is a nonmagical shortsword. A thorough search of the room reveals a few empty wine bottles under the bed. The label on each bears the winery's name, the Wizard of Wines, and wine's name, Purple Grapemash No. 3. lzek's Doll Collection. Each doll has a small tag stitched into its clothing that reads "Is No Fun, Is No Blinsky!" Izek had the local toymaker, Gadof Blinsky (area N7), craft the dolls in Ireena's likeness. N3K. VICTOR'S BEDROOM This handsomely appointed room contains a canopied bed, a low bookshelf, and a full-length mirror in a wooden frame on the wall across from the door. Set into the north wall is an arched window of leaded glass. Nothing here seems unusual. Nothing about his bedroom betrays Victor's deviant nature or magical proclivities. The books include col-. lections of Barovian fables and tomes about mythology, heraldry, and other innocuous subjects. N3L. LIBRARY Floor-to-ceiling shelves line every wall of this windowless room, and the number of books contained here is nothing short of astounding. A brass oil lamp sits atop a large desk in the center of the room. The chair behind the desk is comfortably padded and has the symbol of a roaring bear stitched into its back cushion. If the burgomaster has not been drawn elsewhere, he is here. Add: Standing behind the chair, holding an open book, is a bear of a man. His breastplate, rapier, silk tunic, and greasy beard glisten in the lamplight. Resting on small rugs to his left and right are a pair of black mastiffs. Baron Vargas Vallakovich never goes anywhere without his two mastiffs. A paranoid man, he wears his breastplate and rapier even while relaxing in his library. Two of his servants, the butler and his wife's lady-in-waiting, have vanished without a trace in the past week, so he has good cause to be worried. The baron believes that everyone else is beneath him, and those who question his word or challenge his authority must be humbled. He won't pick a fight with wellarmed strangers, however. If he can't make the characters yield to his authority, he swallows his pride until he can circle around with Izek Strazni and assemble his guards to run them out of town. The baron's desk contains three drawers stuffed with blank sheets of parchment, jars of ink, and writing quills. It also holds thick books of tax records dating back to the times of the baron's father, grandfather, and great-grandfather. The baron wears a signet ring and carries three keys: one that unlocks the outside door in area N3g, and two keys for the door and the manacles in area N3m. Treasure. The Vallakovich book collection contains old, leather-bound tomes on virtually every subject. Use the Random Books table (see chapter 4, area K37) to determine the subject matter of a particular book. N3M. LOCKED CLOSET The door to this room is locked: The baron carries the key. Chained to the back wall of this otherwise empty closet is a badly beaten man wearing nothing but a loincloth. The iron shackles have cut into his wrists, causing blood to trickle down his hands. The man is a Vallakian shoemaker named Udo Lukovich (LN male human commoner). He was arrested · .during the Wolf's Head Jamboree for carrying a sig9 that suggested that ValJakians. shotJ.ld feed the ba_ron to • - the.wolves. · · . · - ·,' . ·· · _ ;. : Baron ·vat,lako�kh the key to l;Tdo's manacles. The · ... manacles break if they take 10 dama:ge\Jr more-from a · ·. single weapon attack. · · · · ·· CHAPTER 5 I THE TOWN OF VALLAKI rn7

If the characters release Udo, his first desire is to return to his home. Later, he plans to tell Father Lucian (see area Nl) of his ill treatment in the burgomaster's estate. If the baron discovers that Udo has escaped or been set free, he sends Izek to find the shoemaker and bring him back for further questioning. Under great duress, Udo provides the names or descriptions of those who liberated him, turning the burgomaster against the characters. N3N. MASTER BEDROOM CLOSET Cloaks, coats, gowns, and other fancy apparel hang from hooks in this closet. Arranged on low shelves are many fine shoes, slippers, and boots. N3o. MASTER BEDROOM Time has faded the grandeur of this master bedroom. The furnishings have lost some of their color and splendor. A short pull-rope hangs from a wooden trapdoor in the ceiling. The baron and the baroness sleep in one bed at night. Nothing of value is kept here. The trapdoor in the ceiling can be pulled down to reveal an attic room (area N3r). An unfolding wooden ladder allows easy access. N3P. BRIDAL GOWN AND SPIRIT MIR ROR This room smells of powder and fine perfume. A vanity with a mirror stands against one wall next to a faceless wooden mannequin wearing a white bridal gown. Mounted on another wall is a full-length mirror with a gilded frame. A door in one corner leads to a garderobe. The baroness used to while away long hours in this room, fondling her perfume collection and searching for solace in her own reflection. Since her lady-in-waiting went missing several days ago, the baroness has spent almost no time here. Bridal Gown. The white gown stored here belongs to the baroness. It reminds the her of happief ' times.' Magic Mirror. A.detectma�JC st>elfre:ve�ls .that' �he .. gilded mirror on the wall.�adiales,gri :aura'bf c6rtj�ration . magic. None of the :ma11�i��,s'.�ritt�titpecupa"rtts are' . .; aware of this fact; becaus'�·theirrifrrdr's magic hasn't •. been used. in generatibO:s. Casti�1bi.n 'fdeptify sp-el(ori . 'themirror reveals th�t an assassin's gho�t{s magically. � bB1,1nd to it. The spell also reveals .the forgqtt�n rhyme · . . ne6ded to summon the ghost: · · The entity in the mirror is the spirit of a nameless assassin who once belonged to a secret society called the Ba'al Verzi. If a creature speaks the rhyme while standing within 5 feet of the mirror and staring at its own reflection, the assassin's ghost appears nearby. The form that the spirit takes depends on the alignment of the one who summoned it: Non-evil Summoner. If the summoner isn't evil, the spirit assumes solid form, appearing as a darkly handsome thirty-year-old man with bloodshot eyes. He has the statistics of an assassin but doesn't speak, and he disappears into the ether if reduced to O hit points. The assassin's summoner can command him to kill one living creature within Strahd's domain that the summoner mentions by name. The assassin automatically knows the distance and direction to the named target. The assassin attacks any other creature that tries to prevent him from completing his assignment. Once he completes his task, the assassin disappears. If commanded to attack a creature that is either dead or undead, or if he isn't given an appropriate name within 1 round of being summoned, the assassin disappears. Evil Summoner. If the summoner is evil, the ghost manifests as a pair of floating, bloodshot eyes and strong, spectral hands. The hands try to wrap themselves around the summoner's neck. The spectral eyes and hands have the statistics of a ghost, but without the Etherealness and Possession actions. The ghost attacks its summoner until one or the other drops to 0 hit points, at which point it disappears. Once the power of the mirror is used, the mirror becomes dormant until the next dawn. The mirror has AC 10, 5 hit points, and immunity to poison and psychic damage. Destroying it lays the assassin's spirit to rest, causing the manifestation to disappear if it is present. The mirror corrupts those who use it to do evil. Summoning the assassin isn't evil, but using him to commit murder is. Each time a creature uses the mirror for this purpose, there is a cumulative 25 percent chance that the creature's alignment shifts to neutral evil. If a character touches the mirror and speaks Strahd's name, there is a 50 percent chance that Strahd takes notice and appears on the mirror's surface. In this form, the vampire can't be harmed. He tries to humanoid he can see within 30 feet of the mirror. Whether the target resists the effect·or·not;.Strahd's smiling vis�ge invites the chara:ctei-s to:dine at Ca!?tllRavenloft, then fades away.A creatur� chartned'by Str�hdfeels . . .· compell�d to accept the �awp1re's invitafion. : . ,. . ... -.. · - . . � '. :· . N3Q. BATHROOM·._,: . • -�.'::. I I An iron tub with clawed fe�� .stan�� · :gain�t �he b-a�k wall. ] · Neatly folded towels rest atop a table near the door. N:3R. ATTIC. ROOM.· · :Ma�ic. mirror on the wall, · .. :Sµaimon forth your shade; · .: Ni�ht's dark vengeance, heed my call A_nd wield your murderous blade. . ';: ' 'C:::haracte(s are �ps't )ikelyto eri.te·r this roomvia a trap­ '·': :i .doq(ih\tie'.c'eil��g ofthe ' master bedroom (area N3o). � � •',. l',: ;-.: � ·'\. ·-·,,;>' : . · .. ;" -:·-: . . -.. CHAPTER 5 I THE TOWN OF VALLA KT 108 · · r _______ _ 7�,V �- : \ ::::{it·::: :.·/}·:\�_ > . , if;f r i '}(t''t� --------�--\�7.��:

This dusty, twenty-foot-square room has a high-pitched ceiling that reaches its peak twenty feet above. The wooden rafters are shrouded in cobwebs. Except for an old table with a lantern on it, the room is empty. A door in the south wall can be pulled open to area N3s. N3s. ATTIC STORAGE This large attic is full of old, forgotten things draped in white sheets. Piled around them are barrels, crates, trunks, and old furnishings covered with cobwebs and dust. You see a clear footpath through the maze. Characters can follow a single set of human footprints in the dust that lead to area N3t. Searching through the junk in this attic uncovers a few old paintings and antiques, but nothing of value. FORTUNES OF RAVENLOFT If your card reading reveals that a treasure is here, the item is hidden in a trunk. Each character has a cumulative 20 percent chance of finding the item for every hour the character spends searching the attic. N3T. VICTOR'S WORKROOM Victor spends most of his time here, leaving only when he needs food or spell components. When the characters first set eyes on the door to this room, read: Someone has carved a large skull into this door. Hanging from the doorknob is a wooden sign that reads "ALL IS NOT WELL!" You hear a young man's voice beyond. Anyone who inspects the carving and succeeds on a DC 14 Intelligence (Investigation) check notices a small, nearly invisible glyph etched into the skull's forehead. This is a glyph of warding (5d8 lightning damage) that triggers if anyone other than Victor opens the door. The voice belongs to Victor. He is reading aloud from his spellbook. Anyone who listens at the door and succeeds on a DC 14 Intelligence (Arcana) check can tell he's badly pronouncing some kind of teleportation spell. If the characters open the door, read: Someone has taken old, mismatched furniture and created a study is this dusty, lamplit chamber. Tables are strewn with pieces of parchment, on which strange diagrams are drawn, and a freestanding bookshelf holds a collection of bones. A dusty rug covers the floor in front of a pine box, on which lounges a skeletal cat. Several more skeletal cats skulk about. Most unnerving of all is the sight of three small children standing with their backs to you in the northeast corner of the room. If the characters trigger the glyph of warding or otherwise announce their arrival, Victor casts a greater invisibility spell on himself and hides in a corner. Otherwise, he's visible. If the characters can see Victor, read: In the center of the room, perched on a stool, is a thin young man with a premature streak of gray in his dark hair. He cradles an open leather-bound book in his arms. Victor found a spellbook in his father's library and is using it to teach himself the art of spellcasting. Only recently has he been able to decipher some of its high-level spells. He's a weird, awkward, and off-putting fellow who is dangerous only if threatened. For practice and for fun, Victor dug up some old cat bones behind the Wachter estate (see area N4) and animated them, creating six cat skeletons (use the cat stat block, but give them darkvision out to a range of 60 feet and immunity to poison damage, exhaustion, and the poisoned condition). The skeletons attack only when Victor commands them to. The "children" standing in the corner are painted wooden dolls dressed in clothing that Victor wore as a child. He pretends they are his disobedient pupils. The sheets of parchment are covered with elaborate diagrams of teleportation circles. Victor drew them in an effort to learn the teleportation circle spell, which he's still trying to master (see "Teleportation Circle" below). The trunk contains several bolts of silk cloth, needles and thread, and a half-finished wizard's robe. Victor started to make the robe for himself but found the work tedious and stopped. Teleportation Circle. Victor's spellbook contains incomplete text for a teleportation circle spell, along with the sigil sequences of three permanent teleportation circles, the locations of which aren't described. There's not enough text to prepare the spell properly, but that hasn't stopped Victor from trying to learn to cast it. Victor recently inscribed his own version of a teleportation circle on the floor. It's hidden under the rug so that his parents don't find it. In the past couple of weeks, Victor has managed to imbue the circle with magic, but he failed to account for several factors. His circle doesn't fade after use, nor does it function like the teleportation circle spell. If the circle is used in the casting of a teleportation circle spell, whether the actual spell or Victor's version of it, any creature standing on the circle when the spell is cast takes 3dl0 force damage and isn't teleported anywhere. If this damage reduces the creature to 0 hit points, the creature is disintegrated. Any character who studies the circle and succeeds on a DC 15 Intelli- . gence (Arcana) check realizes that Victor's circle is hor­ . ri�ly flawed and potentially ,deadly when used. : ... ·-Yictor ha� tested his, ' circle�on two reluctant servants (cprnpelled by his suggt!stion spell}.- irt,hoth cases link- . ing his circle 'td on"e .ci( the 'oth�t'.-ci�cles �hose sigils are" . in hi�'�pellbook,:Each ��r;ant wa�:toih �p�rt before.,._'· . ,:\ric�01:'s 0 �ye:�' b'ef�;e_ ;adistii�g in a flash' of purple light. .• · --Vict�1,-dcies1{i 1 know'QoW-fo fix-the dtcfe but plans' to . .. mak�:inore rilci°difie'atio�s.tb if'b'�tfrlgit again.' ;. . .. ... ' ., . .t.. - - • . ·:1:-� • :-·i-.. .' . · CHAPTER 5 I THE TO\V.N OF,VALLAKI

110 Treasure. Victor's spellbook contains all the spells Victor has prepared (see the mage stat block in the Monster Manual) as well as the following spells: acid splash, animate dead, blight, cloudkill, darkvision, glyph of warding, levitate, mending, remove curse, and thunderwave. N4. WACHTERHAUS This house seems disgusted with itself. A slouching roof hangs heavy over furrowed gables, and moss-covered walls sag and bulge under the weight of the vegetation. As you study the house's sullen countenance, you hear the edifice actually groan. Only then do you realize the extent to which the house hates what it has become. The Wachter family, once an influential noble line in Barovia, owns and occupies a mansion in Vallaki. The house's reigning governess, Fiona Wachter, is a loyal servant of Strahd. She seeks to supplant Baron Vallakovich as the town burgomaster. ROLE PLAYING Use the following information to roleplay Lady Wachter, her family, and her associates. Lady of the House. Lady Fiona Wachter (LE female human priest with AC 10 and no armor) makes no secret of her family's long-standing loyalty to the von Zarovich line. She believes that Strahd von Zarovich is no tyrant but, at worst, a negligent landlord. She would happily serve Strahd as burgomaster of Vallaki, but she knows that Baron Vargas Vallakovich won't give up his birthright without a fight. Fiona conspired to wed her young daughter, Stella, to the baron's son, Victor, as part of a plot to gain a foothold in the baron's mansion, but Stella found Victor to be demented, and he showed no interest in Stella whatsoever. In fact, he spoke such unkind words to Stella that she went mad, and Fiona had to lock her daughter away (see area N4n). Lady Wachter's latest scheme to gain control ofVallaki is far more diabolical. She has started a cult based on devil worship and has written a manifesto that she reads to her "book club," which is made up of the most fanatical group members. Inspired by her words, these zealots have created smaller cults of their own. Once her cult has enough members, Fiona . plans to take the town by force. To reward her most Loya� followers, she)1as her pet imp stand invisibly·in the center of a pehtagram, then performs a fats� rituafthatc�ils upo�:"princes of darkness" to lavish their appredat1on ,i.tpon the cultists.' The imp then sprinkles· o·�to tfie)ioot a few electrum coins, which Lady Wachter allow� the cultists to keep. Another secret of Fiona's is that she sleeps with the - corpse of her dead husband, Nikolai, who died of sick­ .ness nearly three years ago and whom Fiona cherished. . Lady Wachter casts gentle repose spells on the corpse to keep it from deteriorating. If the characters come to Wachterhaus looking foi: help to overthrow the burgomaster, Lady Wachter is all CHAPTER 5 I THE TOWN OF VALLAKI ears and suggests they start by killing the baron's evil henchman, Izek Strazni. She's happy to take care of the rest. If they come looking for a way to defeat Strahd, Lady Wachter turns them away, stating in no uncertain terms that she is not, nor ever will be, Strahd's enemy. Lady Wachter has a different list of prepared spells from that of the priest in the Monster Manual: Cantrips (at will): light, mending, thaumaturgy 1st level (4 slots): command, purify food and drink, sanctuary 2nd level (3 slots): augury, gentle repose, hold person 3rd level (2 slots): animate dead, create food and water Fiona's Sons. Fiona sees a lot of her husband in her sons, Nikolai and Karl (N male human nobles), who have grown into young men with a fondness for wine and trouble. They aren't home during the day, because they don't like attending to their mother or listening to her tiresome prattle. The characters might encounter them at the Blue Water Inn (area N2) or wandering about town. The brothers are home most nights, passed out in their beds after hours of heavy drinking. Nikolai and Karl have none of their mother's ambition or mean temper. They are aware of her cult, but they don't know that she sleeps with their dead father. This would be unwelcome news and probably turn them against their mother. They want only to spend their mother's money and make the most of their miserable situation, trapped as they are within the walls ofVallaki under the control of Strahd and his puppet, the baron. Fiona's Spy. Fiona employs a money-grubbing spy named Ernst Larnak (LE male human) to keep her informed about everything that happens in town. Ernst knows Lady Wachter's secrets, and he would blackmail her in a heartbeat if their relationship went sour. N4A. FRONT DOOR AND VESTIBULE The front door is locked and reinforced with bronze bands. All of the servants carry a key, as do Lady Wachter and Ernst Larnak. The door can be forced open with a successful DC 20 Strength check. If the characters knock on the front door, a servant opens a small window cut into the door at eye height and asks their business. Suspicious-looking strangers aren't invited inside, in case they're vampires. l The front door opens into a narrow vestibule. Three stained-glass doors in wooden frames lead from it. l Two closets flank the front door. Tl)e western closet contains Lady Wachter's outdoor clothes; the eastetn one contains coats and boot� that belongto her chHdren. . -. N4B. STAIRCASE A wooden staircase leads up to a balcony. At the foot of the stairs is a landing with three stained-glass doors in wooden frames . The �taircase climbs 15 feet to the upstairs hall (area ·N21) .. · ::· ·" ; �-·· . . J) ,-.,. . . . --- °'-. ·7 ..= ·--- ----· ·-·---- --\ -f' ..

Il2 N4c. KITCHEN FIONA WACHTER ANO MAJESTO The house cook (see area N4h) rushes about this spotless kitchen most of the day, preparing meals or cleaning up after himself. A washbasin stands in the northeast corner. A slender door in the west wall leads to a small pantry. N4D. STORAGE ROOM This room holds crates of old clothing, as well as three barrels of drinking water, two empty wine barrels, and one full wine barrel. The wine barrels are emblazoned with the winery name, the Wizard of Wines, and the wine's name, Red Dragon Crush. N4E. BACK VESTIBULE The back door is locked and similar to the front door (area N4a) in every respect. The vestibule has plain wooden doors leading to areas N4d, N4f, and N4h. N4F. SERVANTS' CLOSET l Servants' coats and aprons hang from hooks in this room, and boots are neatly lined up against the walL l Anyone who searches the clos. et and makes a successful DC 10 Wisdom (Perception). check ffnds a secref door in the south wall. The door can be.pulled op�n to reveal a stone staircase (area N4g)_. that·lea"iisto_t.lJ.e ceilar. . • ' ' . 1 � •. N4G. SECRET STAIRCASE Iron torch sconces cling to the wall of a stone staircase that cuts its way through the heart of the old house. CHAPTER 5 I THE TOWN OF VALLA Kr l The stairs connect the servants' closet (area N4f) with the cellar (area N4s). Lady Wachter uses this staircase to reach her secret cult lair (area N4t). l The furnishing in this room are bereft of imagination: l four simple beds with equally austere wooden chests. Lady Wachter's four servants (N male and female commoners) sleep here at night. They include a cook named Dhavit, two maids named Madalena and Amalthia, and a valet named Haliq. The servants know Lady Wachter's secrets, but they would sooner die than betray her. N4r. PARLOR Lady Wachter greets her guests here, under the watchful eyes of her dead husband. Here three elegant couches surround an oval table made of black glass. All are set in front of a blazing hearth, above which hangs the portrait of a smirking nobleman sporting a broken nose and a tangle of hair graying at the temples. Several smaller portraits hang on the north wall. The portrait above the mantel depicts Lord Nikolai Wachter, Fiona's late husband (of whom his sons are the spitting image). The other portraits depict Lady Wachter, her sons, her daughter, and various deceased family members. The parlor shares the fireplace with the den (area N4k). Ernst Larnak lurks in the den and eavesdrops on any conversation that Lady Wachter has with the characters, so that he can advise her after they depart. N4J. DINING ROOM An ornate dining table stretches the length of this room, a crystal chandelier hanging above it imperiously. The silverware is tarnished, the dishes chipped, yet all are still quite elegant. Eight chairs, their backs adorned with sculpted elk horns, surround the table. Arched windows made of a latticework of iron and glass look out onto the small, fog-swept estate. ., If the characters aim to oppose the· burgomaster, Lady Wachter offers them a warm meal in the dining room as a token of her support and.-allegiance. N4K. DEN Wood paneling, embroidered rugs, colorful furnishings, and a blazing fire make this chamber stifling. Mounted above the mantel is an elk's head. Across from the hearth, tall, slender windows look out over dead gardens.

Ernst Larnak, Lady Wachter's spy, lounges here when he's not out spying on her behalf. Treasure. The room contains several items of value, including a .golden goblet (worth 250 gp) from which Ernst drinks wine, a crystal wine decanter (worth 250 gp), four electrum candelabras (worth 25 gp each), and a bronze urn with frolicking children painted on its sides (worth 100 gp). N4L. UPSTAIRS HALL A hallway with a window at each end wraps around the staircase railing. Framed portraits and mirrors festoon the walls, surrounding you with judging looks and dark reflections. You hear something scratching at one of the many doors. The scratching noise comes from the door to area N4n, which is locked. If the characters call out, a plaintive female voice meows like a cat and says, "Can little kitty come out to play? Little kitty is sad and lonely and promises to be good this time, really she does." A closet at the south end of the hallway holds blankets and linens. N4M.BROTHERS'ROOMS This bedroom contains nothing out of the ordinary: a neatly made bed, a table with an oil lamp on it, a handsome wooden chest, a slender wardrobe, and a window box with drapes. These two rooms belong to Lady Wachter's sons, Nikolai and Karl. There's a 25 percent chance that one of the maids (see area N4h) is here, tidying up. N4N. STELL.AS ROOM The door to this room is locked from both sides, and only Lady Wachter has a key. This room is musty and dark. An iron-framed bed fitted with leather straps stands near a wall. The place has no other furnishings. Scurrying away from you on all fours is a young woman in a soiled nightgown. She leaps onto the bed and hisses like a cat. "Little kitty doesn't know you!" she shouts. "Little kitty doesn't like the smell of you!" The young woman is Stella Wachter (CG female human commoner), Lady Wachter's insane daughter. A greater restoration spell rids her of the madness that makes her think she's a cat. If she is.cured of her madness, son, Victor, whose very name makes her cringe. With her wits restored, Stella feels she has no one in Vallaki she can count on. She latches onto any character who is kind to her. If the party takes her to St. Andral's church (area Nl), Father Lucian offers to look after her, and she agrees to stay with him. N4o. MASTER BEDROOM The door to this room is locked. Lady Wachter and her servants carry keys. A ghastly sight awaits those who peer into the room: Across from the door, a fire sputters and struggles for life in the hearth, above which hangs a framed family portrait: a noble father and mother, their two young sons, and a baby daughter in the father's arms. The sons are smiling in a way that suggests mischief. The parents look like uncrowned royalty. Wood paneling covers the walls of the room. A closet and a framed mirror flank a curtained window to the south. To the north, a wide, canopied bed lies pinned between matching end tables with oil lamps. Stretched out on one side of the bed is a man dressed in black, his eyes each covered with a copper piece. He bears a striking resemblance to the father in the painting. Lady Wachter's husband, Nikolai, lies in his bed, impeccably dressed, quite deceased, and under the effect of the gentle repose spell. Nothing of value is on him. The closet contains shelves of fancy footwear and many fine garments, including a black ceremonial robe with a hood (similar to the ones worn by the cult fanatics in area N4t). On a high shelf rests a locked iron chest. Lady Wachter hides the key to the chest on a tiny hook in the fireplace, under the mantel. A character who takes a minute to search the fireplace finds the key with a successful D� lQ·Wisdom (Perception) check. Use of the key disables a poison needle trap hidden in the lock (see "Sample Traps" in chapter 5, "Adventure Environments," of the Dungeon Master's Guide). A creature that triggers the trap and fails the saving throw against the needle's poison falls uriconscious for 1 hour instead of being poisoned for 1 hour . . The iron chest is lined with thin sheets of lead and contains the bones of Leo Dilisnya, an enemy of the Wachter family. Leo was one of the soldiers who betrayed and murdered Strahd on the day of Sergei and Tatyana's wedding. He escaped from Castle Ravenloft, only to be hunted down and killed by the vampire Strahd. The Wachters keep nis _bones under lock and key so that Leo can't be raised frorrt the dead . . � .,,� .. . \. ...... •-."' ,;' -� FORTU·N.E� OF RAVEN LOFT . . .. - . •.. , . . .• ii">:?i ·-::u,yo'ur card r�ad1ng reveals that�·tr�a'siire" is" here, 1t i&: . ;: ,; · '."'¥,,_: > :t;:?,��t}r:t1�:;��!r�;_ :tt�_-_:!}_�·.t;;:t��f (y_a·�·-btj:.:i;//.('.\�\� ::. J_.; she blames her mother for treating her horribly and using her as a pawn t{sefze control of the town. Stella knows none ·of her mother's secrets, apart from her mother.'s desire to· over'th��-w the bu�gomaster. Stella. has nothing k.ind"tc?say_a9cmt the burgomaster.or his . ... ,• . ! ·.>:� .: .- . ·_.' .. ·:-"� ._ .. " . .. =- N4P .�. t.Il3RARY .. �- f ....... •· ,. • • ..· , "'·"·�� -,.-,'· '_ ·<ih� - ���ble.- doots't�= t 0 his roon/kr� ·1o}ke'&;L;i�/Wachter , ,'. , and�erservants...,cifrry,key�:: _. ·:··:_·.-,�.:: ,·:::-_ . -. . . - � �. -- ,: : � �- --- ,,,, __ es.,;;:: • ,.?'" '\. / .... � .... /:. ---- - ---- ------ -- . -,"'\ ___ . CHAPTER "5 I TH'E' TOWN OF VALLAKJ

This room is crawling with cats. Bookshelves hug the walls, but most of the shelves are bare. Other furnishings include a desk, a chair, a table, and a wine cabinet. The room has an irregular shape, and none of its angles seem quite right, as though the shifting of the house has set the whole place on edge. Eight cats have the run of the library. These family pets have vicious dispositions, attacking anyone who tries to pick them up. Characters who have a passive Wisdom (Perception) score of 10 or higher notice that one cat has a small key hanging from its collar. The key opens the locked chest in area N4q. There is a 25 percent chance that one of the maids is here, dusting the bookshelves. The cabinet holds a fine collection of wineglasses. The desk contains blank pieces of parchment, quill pens, jars of ink, wax candles, and a wax seal. Most of the Wachter family's book collection was sold off years ago to cover debts, and the books that remain aren't particularly valuable. Use the Random Books table (see chapter 4, area K37) to determine the subject matter of a particular book. A section of the bookshelf that stretches along the southernmost wall is actually a secret door on hidden hinges. The bookshelf can be pulled outward, revealing an open doorway that leads to area N4q. N4Q. STORAGE ROOM Behind the hinged panel in the bookcase lies a dusty, ten-foot-square room with a curtained window and shelves lining three walls. On the bottom shelf rests an iron chest. The other shelves are bare. The key to the chest can be found in the library (area N4p). Use of the key disables a poison needle trap hidden in the lock (see "Sample Traps" in chapter 5, "Adventure Environments," of the Dungeon Master's Guide). Treasure. The iron chest contains several items: • A silk bag containing 180 ep, each coin bearing Strahd's stern visage in profile A leather bag containing 110 gp A wooden pipe that has been passed down through many generations of Wachter P?tria.rchs Five scrolls-notarized deeds:for parcels.·of land given to the Wachter fa:hijly by-Count Str-ahd yon Zarovich nearly four ce1_1tilri�� -�.lt_c( ,;/:)/.',.<''. :: 0 .,," -: ·. . . A supple leather cai;;� sqn(aip.i_ng afi•unbound manuscript titled The D��'il'We:Kl1d;1,f�a:ri?e\ic·!11�hifesto .. written by Lady FiQna Wachter>attesting.thafthe wor- . ship of devi)s can' bring happiness/succes�;;freedoin, . :, �eaffh, ahd ldngevity . . . " ; A:blasphembus treatise' bound in black leather titled ·;.c The,(Jri�oire of the Four Qµarters, written by the · · .. infamous diabolist Devostas, who was drawn and · quartered for his fell practices yet did not die (thisjs a forgery; the actual grimoire would drive a reader m11d) A very old letter to Lady Lovina Wachter (an ancestor) from one Lord Vasili von Holtz, thanking Lovina for her hospitality, loyalty, and friendship over the years Characters who have the Tome of Strahd (see appendix C) realize that the handwriting in Lady Lovina's letter is identical to Strahd's handwriting, suggesting that Strahd and Lord Vasili are one and the same. N4R. CELLAR ENTRANCE If the characters approach the cellar door from the outside, read: I A slanted, wooden cellar door with an iron pull ring and I iron hinges stands against the foundation of the house. The door is unlocked. On the other side of the door are stone steps leading to a stone landing with a wooden railing. A longer staircase extends south from the landing, leading down to the cellar. N4s. CELLAR This large root cellar has a dirt floor. Two ascending flights of stone steps enclosed by wooden railings stand across from one another. Tracks in the earth lead from one staircase to the other, and other trails. go from both staircases to the center of the bare west wall. Four neatly made cots are set in a row against the south wall. Buried under the earthen floor are eight human skeletons-the animated remains of dead Vallakians that were stolen from the church cemetery (area Nl) and animated by Lady Wachter. They rise up and attack intruders who cross the floor. The skeletons don't attack anyone who utters the phrase "Let the dead remain at rest" before setting foot on the floor. Only Lady Wachter, her sons, her servants, and her loyal cult fanatics know the pass phrase. The cots are here for cultists to spend the night. The footprints in the dirt give away the location of a secret door in the center of the western wall. Consequently, no ability check is required to locate it. The door is soundproof and pivots open on a central axis. N4T. CULT HEADq_UARTEllS Flickering candles in iron holders fill this room with light and shadows. This room has a ten-foot-high ceiling and a large black pentagram inscribed on the stone floor. At each point of the pentagram rests a wooden chair. Seated in four of the five chairs are men and women in black robes with hoods: a young man who has the face of an angel; a balding hulk of a man; a squat, middle-aged woman; and a taller, younger woman with an unsettling glare. They rise to confront you.

The four people are town residents (LE male and female human cult fanatics) whom Lady Wachter has seduced with promises of power, wealth, and long life. They are members of her "book club," eagerly waiting for Lady Wachter to join them, read passages from her manifesto (see area N4q), and maybe conjure up a few coins. Resting on the fifth chair, quietly eavesdropping on the cultists, is the lady's invisible imp, Majesto. The cultists are gathered here in secret and attack the characters to protect their identities. They are evil Vallakians of no great importance who are tired of living in fear and poverty. Use the "Barovian Names" sidebar in chapter 2 to generate names for them, if needed. The imp doesn't get involved in the fighting unless Lady Wachter is drawn into the conflict, in which case it fights to protect its mistress. The pentagram is a nonmagical decoration, though Lady Wachter would have her cultists believe otherwise. N5. ARASEK STOCKYARD This large stockyard has several locked sheds along its periphery and lies adjacent to a roomy warehouse. A wooden sign above the front gate reads "Arasek Stockyard." Parked at the south end of the stockyard is a sturdy carnival wagon, its colorful paint peeling off. Faded lettering on its sides spells out the words "Rictavio's Carnival of Wonders." A heavy padlock secures the back door. --- --ss::: • The stockyard is a general store and a facility where storage sheds can be rented. It is owned by a middleaged married couple, Gunther and Yelena Arasek (LG male and female commoners). They sell items from the Adventuring Gear table in the Player's Handbook that have a price of 25 gp or less, but at five times the price. R1cTAv10's CARNIVAL WAGON The colorful half-elf bard Rictavio (see area N2 and appendix D) paid Gunther and Yelena a generous amount of gold to watch his carnival wagon, no questions asked. If the characters approach the wagon, read: The wagon suddenly lurches, as though something big has thrown itself against the inside wall. You hear the cracking of wood, the scraping of metal, and the snarl of something inhuman. Upon closer inspection, you see that the sides of the wagon are spattered with dry blood. You also see an inscription on the wagon's door frame that reads, "I bring you from Shadow into Light!" Rictavio carries the key to the wagon door. The lock can be picked but is rigged with a poison needle trap (see "Sample Traps" in chapter 5, "Adventure Environments," of the Dungeon Master's Guide). Inside the wagon is a saber-toothed tiger with 84 hit points. It is clad in specially fitted half plate (AC 17) and has been trained to hunt evil Vistani. The tiger recognizes Vistani by·sm�iLand, to a lesser extent, by the fancy garb they wear: This-tiger has a challenge rating of 3 (700 XP). . . CHAPTER 5 I THE TOWN Of VALLAKl � I rr5 ___ ��r-- z -= ""-&,,.. oe-

n6 The wagon also contains the torn-up remains of a doll. A character who makes a successful DC 10 Intelligence (Investigation) check discovers that the doll was once a colorfully dressed Vistani effigy. Stitched into its tattered pants is a slogan: "Is No Fun, Is No Blinsky!" Rictavio isn't ready to unleash the tiger on the Vistani just yet. He feeds it by dropping wolf steaks down a 1-foot-square hatch in the wagon's roof. A character who climbs atop the wagon can spot the hatch without needing to make an ability check. If the tiger is released, it begins stalking through the streets until its keen sense of smell locates either Rictavio (area N2) or Piccolo (area N7). The tiger doesn't attack anyone who isn't a Vistana except in self-defense. It attacks Vistani on sight. Rictavio can make the tiger break off its attack and lure it back into the wagon. TREASURE The front seat of the wagon conceals .a secret compartment that requires a successful DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check to find apd ·open. _ Th� compartment holds several items: .... ' . ·.- -: , • -,· - · ;' · - • An unlocked wooden coffer containing so ep bearing Strahd's profile and six gemstones (worth _100 gp each) A small prayer book (worth 50 gp) with a green leather cover and indecipherable notes in the margins A healer's kit Three wooden holy symbols inlaid with silver and in the shape of a sunburst (worth 50 gp each) CHAPTER 5 I THE TOWN OF VALLAKI • A silvered shortsword A hand crossbow inlaid with mother-of-pearl (worth 250 gp) • A bundle of twenty silvered crossbow bolts A worn leather case with gold buckles (worth 100 gp) containing three sharpened wooden stakes, a sack of garlic, a jar of salt, a box of holy wafers, six vials of holy water, a polished steel mirror, and a bone scroll tube with a silver stopper and chain (worth 25 gp). The tube contains a spell scroll of protection from fiends and a spell scroll of protection from undead. FORTUNES OF RAVENLOFT If your card reading reveals that a treasure is here, it is hidden with the other items under the front seat of the wagon, in a lead-lined,box. N6. COFFIN MAKER'S SHOP' This uninviting shop is two stories tall and has a sign shaped like a coffin above the front door. All of the window shutters are closed up tight, and a deathly silence surrounds the establishment. Henrik van der Voort (LE male hum�n commoner) is a mediocre carpenter and a troubled, lonely man. He profits from the deaths of others, and no one desires his company, because of the ghastly nature of his handi- . .. . ., .. � . .

work. One night several months ago, Strahd visited Henrik in the guise of an imposing, well-dressed nobleman named Vasili von Holtz and promised the coffin maker "good business" in exchange for his help. Since then, Henrik's workshop has become the lair of a pack of vampire spawn-former adventurers who were turned by Strahd. These vampires are lying low for the time being. The vampires plan to attack St. Andral's church (see "St. Andral's Feast" in the "Special Events" section at the end of this chapter). When Henrik learned about the sacred bones buried under the church, the vampire spawn ordered him to steal the bones, which Henrik paid Milivoj the gravedigger (see area Nl) to do. Every window of Henrik's shop is a latticework of iron fitted with squares of frosted glass and locked from the inside. The outside doors of the shop are barred shut from within. If the characters knock on one of them, Henrik shouts, "We're closed! Go away!" without opening the door. If the characters accuse Henrik of stealing the bones of St. Andral, he shouts again, "Go away! Leave me alone!" If the characters break into the store, Henrik offers no resistance. He tells them where to find the bones (in the upstairs bedroom wardrobe, area N6e) and the vampire nest (in the upstairs wood storage room, area N6f). If the characters report the theft of the bones to the burgomaster, Baron Vallakovich dispatches four guards to arrest Henrik and retrieve the bones. If the guards show up during daylight hours, Henrik surrenders himself and the bones without a fight, claiming that vampires forced him to steal the bones. If the guards come at night, Henrik surrenders himself and tells the guards where the bones are hidden, but he won't retrieve the bones himself for fear of being killed by the vampires. N6A. COFFIN STORAGE I Arranged haphazardly about the floor of this musty, I L-shaped room are thirteen wooden coffins. Henrik stores and displays the coffins he has made in this room. All of them are empty. N6B. JUNK ROOM A table with four chairs is in one corner of this room, with a lantern hanging from a chain directly above. Two well-made cabinets stand against the east wall. The cabinets are packed with worthless items that Henrik has collected over the years. N6c. WORKSHOP This workshop contains everything a carpenter needs to make coffins and furniture. Three sturdy worktables stretch the length of the west wall. Henrik builds coffins and keeps his carpenter's tools in this room. N6o. KITCHEN I This kitchen contains a square table surrounded by I chairs and shelves of provisions. Henrik prepares his meals here. N6E. HENRIK'S BEDROOM This modest bedchamber holds a cot and several wellmade pieces of furniture, including a table, a padded chair, a bookshelf, and a wardrobe. Henrik sleeps here, at night and well into the morning. The bookshelf contains a handful of storybooks and carpenters' manuals that have been handed down from previous generations. Treasure. The wardrobe in the southeast corner has a secret compartment in its base, requiring a successful DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check to find. Inside the compartment are two sacks-a large one containing the bones of St. Andral and a small one containing 30 sp and 12 ep. All of the coins bear the profiled visage of Strahd von Zarovich. CHAPTER 5 I THE TOWN OF VALLAKI

u8 N6F. VAMPIRE NEST This large, drafty room is strung with cobwebs and takes up most of the upper Aoor. Stacks of wooden planks lie amid several crates marked "JUNK." The two southernmost crates contain old junk that Henrik has accumulated over the years. The six crates in the northern part of the room are packed with earth and serve as resting places for the six vampire spawn that lair here. If the characters open one of the occupied crates, all of the vampire spawn burst forth and attack. Teleport Destination. Characters who teleport to this location from area K78 in Castle Ravenloft arrive at the point marked T on the map. N7. BLINSKY TOYS This cramped shop has a dark entrance portico, above which hangs a wooden sign shaped like a rocking horse, with a "B" engraved on both sides. Flanking the entrance are two arched, lead-framed windows. Through the dirty glass, you see jumbled displays of toys and hanging placards bearing the slogan "Is No Fun, Is No Blinsky!" Vallaki's toymaker, Gadof Blinsky (CG male human commoner), calls himself "a wizard of tiny wonders," but he has been consumed by despair lately because no one seems to like him or want his toys. His fascination for eerie playthings causes most other locals to avoid him. The burgomaster enables Blinsky to stay in business by giving him a couple of gold pieces a month to make festival decorations. Blinsky is a heavyset man who wears a moth-eaten jester's cap during store hours, more out of habit than to humor visitors. In the past six months, the only paying customer who has set foot in the store is a visitor from a faraway land named Rictavio (see area N2), who came in two weeks ago and bought a stuffed Vistana doll. Realizing that the toymaker was lonely, Rictavio gave Blinsky his pet monkey, Piccolo (use the baboon stat block in the Monster Manual). Overjoyed, Blinsky has begun training the monkey to fetch toys from hard-toreach shelves. The toymaker has also fitted Piccolo with a custom-tailored ballerina tt,1tu. When he meets new�s, Bli�sky recites a well-rehearsed greeting: "Wyelcome; friends, to the House of Blinsky, when" h:}'appiqe�s and �miles can be bought at bargain pi:ic_ es .. Peinaps' y"o\.1. kn�w a leetle child in need of joy? A lee't!e toy f�r a: girl or boy?" . CREEPY TOYS Blinsky believes the burgomaster is right-that the only way to escape from Barovia is to make everyone in town . "hyappy." Blinsky would like to do his part by making sure that all the children in Barovia have fun toys. On display are a few of his creations: OH APTER 5 I THE TOWN OF VALLAKI GI\OOF BLINSS AND P1cc0Lo • A headless doll that comes with a sack of attachable heads, including one with its eyes and mouth stitched shut (price 9 cp) A miniature gallows, complete with trapdoor and a weighted "hanged man" (price 9 cp) A set of wooden nesting dolls; the smaller each one gets, the older it gets, until the innermost doll is a mummified corpse (price 9 cp) • A wood-and-string mobile of hanging bats with flapping wings (price 9 cp) • A wind-up musical merry -go-round with figures of snarling wolves chasing children in place of prancing horses (price 9 sp) A ventriloquist's dummy that looks like Strahd von Zarovich (price 9 sp) • A doll that looks remarkably like Ireena Kolyana (not for sale; see below) Ireena Kolyana DoJJs. Blinsky makes special dolls for the burgomaster's henchman, Izek Strazni (see area N3 and appendix D). Izek doesn't pay for the dolls but instead threatens to burn down Blinsky's shop unless the toymaker delivers a new doll every month. Every doll is modeled on a description given to Blinsky by Izek, and each doll has been closer to capturing.Jreena's like0 ness than the last. Blinsky doesn't know that the doll is meant modeled after anyone in par"ticular. If Ireena is with the party, however, Blinsky realizes that she is · the inspiration for Izek's dolls. Von Weerg's Masterpiece, Blinsky considers himself a student of a great inventm_and toymaker named.Fritz von Weerg. Blinsky has heard rumors .that von Weerg's greatest inven"tion-a clockwork mii:n-lies somewhere in Castle Ravenloft. If the characters·seem intent on going there, Bli nsky asks,if they would be so kind as to find the clockwork "myasterpiece" and "dyeliver" it to him, in exchange for which Blinsky offers to make them any toy they desire. Because "byusiness" has not been good, he says, he has no other reward to offer except, perhaps, his new monkey companion.

NB. TOWN SQUARE The shops and homes that enclose the town square are decorated with limp, tattered garlands and painted wooden boxes filled with tiny, dead flowers. At the north end of the square stands a row of stocks, locked in which are several men, women, and children wearing crude, plaster donkey heads. In the center of the square, peasants in patchwork clothes eye you suspiciously as they use cups and vases to draw water from a crumbling stone fountain. Standing tall at the center of the fountain is a gray statue of an impressive man facing west. All around the square are posted proclamations: Come one, come all, to the greatest celebration of the year: THE WOLF'S HEAD JAMBOREE! Attendance and children required. Pikes will be provided. ALL WILL BE WELL! -The BaronThe Wolf's Head Jamboree has already occurred, making the square's proclamations out of date. If the characters linger, they see the burgomaster's henchman, lzek Strazni (see appendix D), arrive with two town guards. Izek orders one guard to tear down all of the old proclamations while the other posts the following new one: COME ONE, COME ALL, to the greatest celebration of the year: THE FESTIVAL OF THE BLAZING SUN! Attendance and children required. Rain or shine. ALL WILL BE WELL! -The BaronMost Vallakians have no idea whom the statue in the square represents. The burgomaster claims it is Boris Vallakovich, his ancestor and the town's founder, but there's no noticeable family resemblance. DONKEY-HEADED CRIMINALS The townsfolk in the stocks were arrested for "malicious unhappiness" (spreading negative opinions about the upcoming festival). An iron padlock secures each set of stocks, and Izek Strazni carries the keys on an iron ring. Three men, two women,.and two boys are trapped in the stocks-all of them tired, wet, and famished. The five . adults have the statistics of human commoners, and the children are noncom"bat�nts. The plaster donkey heads they wear are meant to ·eµcqurage ridicule. Freeing one or more prisoners without the baron's consent is a crime .. If the, �haracters are witnessed doing so, Izek rallies the town guards (twenty-four in all) and orders the characters to leave town at once or suffer the consequences. If the characters stand their ground, Izek orders the guards to beat them into submission, seize their weapons, and cast them out ofVallaki to be "food for the wolves." If the characters are exiled from Vallaki without their weapons, the Keepers of the Feather (see area N2) snatch the party's belongings from under Izek's nose and see them safely returned to the characters. If the guards fall to waylay the characters, Izek (if he's still around) flees to the burgomaster's mansion, giving the characters the run of the town. The townsfolk lock themselves in their homes, fearful that the characters aim to murder them. N9. VISTANI CAMP Several footpaths and horse trails lead to this location in the woods southwest of Vallaki. The woods part to reveal an expansive clearing: a small, grass-covered hill with low houses built into its sides. Fog obscures the details, but you can see that these buildings feature elegantly carved woodwork and have decorative lanterns hanging from their sculpted eaves. Atop the hill, above the fog, is a ring of barrel-topped wagons that surround a large tent with a column of smoke pouring out through a hole in the top. The tent is brightly lit from within. Even at this distance, you can smell the odors of wine and horses that emanate from this central area. This natural clearing serves as a permanent campsite for the Vistani and their dusk elf allies. ROLEPLAYING THE VISTANI AND THE ELVES Use the following information to roleplay the Vistani and the dusk elves that occupy the camp. Vistani. The Vistani in this camp all serve Strahd. The elders have died, leaving a pair of brothers named Luvash and Arrigal in charge. Both men are evil and willing to do whatever Strahd demands of them. These Vistani have two problems. First, Luvash's seven-year-old daughter, Arabelle, recently disappeared from the camp. Consequently, half of the Vistani are out searching for her when the characters arrive. Second, the Vistani have exhausted their supply of wine and are eager to obtain more. Characters who help them with either problem earn the Vistani's respect. Dusk Elves. The dusk elf rcic!! is all but forgotten, and the few survivors live in secret places such _ as this. They · have dark skin and hair, but ejherwise they are similar t� wood elves (as described fo the Player's Handbook). . . One.of Strahd's old brides, �qt,rinaVeii!{ovna, used to . liveJiere. Her brother, l.(asimii-Velfkov,)till does. · •.. . .The dusk elve·s reside in small hom�s·built into tbe. · hillsid� and. are ' m�stiy seif-sllfficient. They are skilled ·-., •. ..• . • . , � � . t •· ' . trackers, and many qf them are· awaj frcim. camp when :the �haracters arrive,. helping the \7fsiani searcb for . . .· � �. � . ,•. CHAPTER. 5 I.THE TOWN OF VALLAKl

I THE TOWN OF VALLAKI .,J.r ;_.- ( � . _, ,,....,, ·,\ il.!·,v.. f' ,A \ A .• � .J\ ,/\ /1..'1,. . ·• . · \. l \)<'�,: p"'-1 V °).'•1,i t/ · ... \ , " . 1 'i.• _; \ . �r\ •

Arabelle. Strahd has tasked the Vistani with keeping an eye on the dusk elves, and the dusk elves know they aren't safe in Barovia without the Vistani's "protection." Strahd has also forbidden the Vistani from helping the dusk elves escape his domain. There are no women or children among the dusk elves. Strahd had all the female dusk elves put to death around four centuries ago as a punishment for Patrina's murder. Thus, the remaining elves can't procreate. A broken people, they are aware of the vampire's absolute hold over the land of Barovia. They keep a low profile and have no desire to incur Strahd's wrath again. N9A. KASIMIR'S HOVEL If the characters approach the house at the base of the hill on the eastern perimeter of the camp, read the following text: Standing quietly in front of this house, bathed in the warm light of its lanterns, are three sullen, gray-cloaked figures, their angular features and black, flowing hair half-hidden under their cowls. The cloaked figures are three guards (N male dusk elves). If the characters seem friendly and are looking for someone to talk to, the guards direct them inside to Kasimir or point them toward the Vistani camp on the hilltop. Kasimir Velikov (see appendix D) is the leader of the dusk elves. His hovel has a decorated vestibule and a comfortable room beyond with a fireplace. Wooden statuettes of elven deities stand in cubbyholes along one wall. A tapestry of a forest hangs on the opposite wall. Kasimir confesses that he is burdened by dreams sent to him by his dead sister, Patrina Velikovna, whose spirit has languished in the catacombs below Castle Ravenloft for centuries. Kasimir believes that Patrina has repented for her many sins, and he yearns not only to free her but also to restore her to life. If the characters seem intent on destroying Strahd, Kasimir tells them about the Amber Temple. Without divulging too much of the dreams sent to him by Patrina, Kasimir informs the characters that the secret to break ing Strahd's pact and freeing Barovia from its curse might be hidden there. Kasimir doesn't know whether this claim is true or not, but he states it as a way of persuading the characters to accompany him to the temple; his main objective, he says, is to find something there that he can use to bring Patrina back from the dead. Treasure. Kasimir wears a ring of warmth and has a leather-bound spellbook containing all the spells he has prepared (see appendix D) plus the following spells: arcane lock, comprehend languages, hold person, identify, locate object, nondetection, polymorph, protection from evil and good, ray of frost, and wall of stone. FORTUNES OF RAVE'l{LOFT . If your card reading reveals that a treasure is here, it is · in Kasimir's pos_ �essio�. He'relinqtiishes it if the char- . acters promise to a<;company hi!TI to the Amber Temple -,. ': \ __ T and help him find a way to bring his sister Patrina back from the dead. N9B. DUSK ELF HOVELS Six simple houses ring the base of the hill, three protruding from the north side and three from the south side. I A grim, gray-cloaked figure stands in front of the door to this house. I The cloaked figure is a guard (N male dusk elf). If the characters appear friendly and are looking for someone to talk to, the guard directs them to Kasimir's hovel (area N9a). Under no circ*mstances does the guard willingly allow strangers to enter the house he protects. Each hovel is configured similarly to Kasimir's hovel. All are currently unoccupied. (Except for the nine guards left behind to watch the homes, the dusk elves are out searching for Arabelle.) N9c. VISTANI TENT Piled outside the wagon are several empty casks of wine. From inside the tent comes the crack of a whip followed by the howls of a young man. Three sputtering campfires fill the tent with smoke, and through the haze you see six Vistani passed out in various places on the dead grass. A barely conscious and shirtless teenager hugs the central tent pole, his wrists bound with rope and his back streaked with blood. An older, larger man in studded leather armor lashes the young man with a horsewhip, causing him to scream again. Standing in the bigger man's shadow is a third man also clad in studded leather. "Easy, brother," he says to the whip-wielding brute. "I think Alexei has learned his lesson." The two men in studded leather armor are the leaders of the Vistani camp-the brothers Luvash (CE male human bandit captain) and Arrigal (NE male human assassin). If you used the "Plea for Help" adventure hook, the characters have already met Arrigal. Luvash is so drunk that he has disadvantage on his attack rolls and ability checks. Each brother carries a key that unlocks one of the padlocks of the treasure wagon (area N9i). Luvash is punishing a Vistana named Alexei (CN male human bandit with 3 hit points remaining) for failing to keep a watchful eye on his daughter. The characters' arrival distracts Luvash, and-he forgets about Alexei long enough to play the role of host-until such time as . the characters become tiresome or threatening, Alexei . blames himself for not watching the little brat more clo�ely and has a.ccepte:d 'ti/s:purli , sh.��nt, If the charac-. ters: try to "rescue him, he sq-earns a'fthem to stop, riot '' w�ntingJ� �PP.��;w"eak-in front ofLuva�h and Atrigal.- . In ·aci.dition to Luvash, Arri gal; ·and:Aiex:ei, -there· ar� ': six ·int6xicat�d VisUtn\ (CN: maie ·and'f�mai�: . �'uin�n CHAPTER 5 I THE TOWN OF VALLAKT 121

bandits) lying unconscious in the tent. A drunk Vistana awakens only if the Vistana takes 5 damage or more and has at least 1 hit point remaining afterward. Dealing with Luvash. Luvash is unhappy because his seven-year-old daughter, Arabelle, has vanished. She's been gone for a little more than a day. Because everyone in the camp was drunk and Arrigal was away, no one remembers seeing or hearing anything strange. Luvash is determined to find her, no matter what the cost, and most of his camp is out scouring the woods when the characters arrive. (Missing from the camp are twelve bandits. Each hour that passes, ld4 of them return to camp with no news on Arabelle's whereabouts.) If an alarm is sounded, nine sober Vistani bandits ( NE male and female humans) emerge from three of the surrounding wagons (area N9g) and arrive at the tent with weapons drawn in 2 rounds. Luvash won't meddle in the characters' affairs without Strahd's consent, and he is quite content to let the vampire deal with them. For a hefty price, he offers to sell the characters potions that allow safe passage through the deadly fog that surrounds the valley; he keeps them in the treasure wagon (area N9i). Th� potions do?'t work, of course. _ If the characters rescue Ara,�elle 'from Lake Zarovich (chapter 2, area L) and s�e her sa(ely·returned to camp, Luvash is overjoyed and offetcs'to repay the favor. He doesn't sell them the fake potions. ("Um, they aren't as potent as they could be.") Instead, he lets them choose a treasure from the Vistani treasure wagon (area N9i). If the characters ask something of the Vistani but have not earned Luvash's goodwill, he agrees to do business with them if they accomplish one of two tasks: either find his missing daughter or procure six barrels of wine and bring them to the camp. Luvash suggests they can CHAPTER 5 I THE TOWN OF VALLAKI get the wine in Vallaki, or go straight to the source-the Wizard of Wines winery. He isn't picky when it comes to the quality of the wine. Dealing with Arrigal. Arrigal is a much more dangerous creature than his brute of a brother. If the characters have something in their possession that is either useful or harmful to Strahd and Arrigal becomes aware of it, he tries to deprive the characters of this item, stalking them if necessary and going as far as to kill one or more of them if he thinks he can escape with the item in his possession. If he succeeds, he takes one of the riding horses (area N9d) and delivers the item to Strahd at Castle Ravenloft. N9D. HORSES The hilltop is covered with steaming piles of horse dung. More than two dozen horses are tethered to stone blocks inside the circle of wagons but outside the tent. Most of the animals are draft horses, but a few of them are riding horses equipped with saddles. Twenty-four draft horses and six riding horses are tethered here. N9E. LUVASH's WAGON This barrel-topped wagon is nicer that the others. Drapes of golden silk hang in the windows, and the wheels have gold, sun-shaped hubcaps. An iron chimney pipe protrudes from the roof. Luvash's wagon is a mess inside. Empty wineskins, dirty clothes, and mangy furs are strewn about. A small hammock strung across the width of the wagon under the driver's seat serves as Arabelle's bed. A burlap doll with button eyes lies in the hammock; Arabelle has no other possessions. A small iron stove in the middle of the wagon keeps the interior warm. Treasure. The wagon's "golden sun" hubcaps are worth 125 gp apiece (500 gp total). N9F. WAGON OF SLEEPING VISTANI There are four of these wagons at the camp. l You hear heavy snores from within this barreltopped wagon. l Each of these wagons contains id4 intoxicated and unconscious Vistani (CN male and fe'tnale huma� bandits). These Vistani wake up if their wagon is shaken or if they take damage and have at lea�t 1 hit point remaining. N9G. WAGON OF GAMBLING VISTANI There are three of these wagons at the camp.

I Loud voices and laughter spill from this bar- I rel-topped wagon. Each of these wagons contains three Vistani (CN male and female human bandits). The Vistani are playing a dice game for wine and favors, since they have no money. They respond to sounds of alarm by drawing their weapons and heading to the tent (area N9c). N9H. VISTANI FAMILYWAGON There are three of these wagons at the camp. I This barrel-topped wagon is filled with the raucous I screams and laughter of children. Each of these wagons contains one Vistani adult (CN male or female human commoner) and ld4 + 1 Vistani children (CN male and female human noncombatants). The adult is watching the children playing games, teaching the children about their heritage, or telling a scary story to frighten the children. N9r. VISTANI TREASURE WAGON I Two iron padlocks secure the door of this barreltopped wagon. I The Vistani keep all their treasure in this wagon. The door to the wagon has two locks, each of which requires a different key. Luvash carries one key, Arrigal the other. Each lock is rigged with a poison needle trap (see "Sample Traps" in chapter 5, "Adventure Environments," of the Dungeon Master's Guide). Treasure. The wagon contains the following items: A wooden chest containing 1,200 ep (each coin stamped with the profiled visage of Strahd) • An iron chest containing 650 gp , An onyx jewelry box with gold filigree (worth 250 gp) containing six pieces of cheap jewelry (worth 50 gp each) and a potion of poison in an unlabeled crystal vial (worth 100 gp) , A wooden throne with gold inlay and decorative stones (worth 750 gp) , A rolled-up 10-foot-square rug with an exquisite unicorn motif (worth 750 gp) A small wooden box containing twelve fake potions in stoppered gourds (the Vistani.sell these nonmagical elixirs to naive strangers; claiming that they protect against the deadly fog surrounding Barovia) ' FORTUNES OF RAVENLOFT If your card reading reveals that a treasure is here, it is lying amid the other items in the wagon. SPECIAL EV.ENTS Any of the following �vents can occur while the characters are staying inVallaki.. FESTIVAL OF THE BLAZING SUN The Festival of the Blazing Sun takes place three days after the characters first arrive in Vallaki. You can delay the festival if the characters get waylaid or drawn elsewhere, or you can advance the timeline if the characters seem to be in a hurry. Under threatening skies, a parade of unhappy children dressed as flowers trudges through the muddy streets, leading the way for a group of sorry-looking men and women carrying a ten-foot-diameter wicker ball. The burgomaster and his smiling wife, who holds a sad bouquet of wilting flowers, follow the procession on horseback. As weary spectators watch from their stoops, the ball is borne to the town square. There, it is hoisted and hung from a fifteen-foot-high wooden scaffold, and townsfolk take turns splashing it with oil. Before the wicker sun can be set ablaze, the sky tears open in a sudden downpour. "All will be well!" cries the burgomaster as he brandishes a sputtering torch and marches defiantly through the rain toward the wicker ball, only to have his torch go out as he thrusts it into the sphere. A singular laugh erupts from the crowd, drawing the burgomaster's fiery gaze as well as gasps from the townsfolk. The laugh comes from Lars Kjurls (LG male human guard), a member of the town militia. The other guards are aghast at Lars's ill-timed outburst. The burgomaster immediately has Lars arrested for "spite." Unless the characters intervene, Lars is bound at the ankles and wrists, then dragged behind the burgomaster's horse for the "amusem*nt" of all. The burgomaster rides the horse himself. DE VELOPMENT If the characters challenge the burgomaster in any way, he orders them banished from Vallaki. If they protest, he orders the guards to arrest them, deprive them of their weapons, and force them out of Vallaki at sword point. If the characters lose their weapons, the Keepers of the Feather (see area N2) eventually steal back the weapons and return them to the characters. If the guards fail in their duty, the burgomaster retreats to his mansion and the townsfolk flee to their homes, giving the characters free rein in town. TYGER,TYGER Karl and Nikolai Wachter (see areas N2 and N4) are young, foolish men from a proud noble family. The · drunke�·b.rothers sneak into' Arase){ s.:Stockyarci (area --NS) while everyone else is. attc; . 'ripi�g·'t�e festival in th�_: . . town scj11ani: On·i:par� orie'ofth�M ro�ks the\vagon,: · ·, . . Th� sabei-'.tooth;d tiger- locked inside b°econ:ies enraged" . . ·. and s�a�his· thrh�gh th� '.wa'gon d0oi:.' The charact��s .. . and e;eryone else in t�wii iiea� th� 'shJa�s'of.the . .. young men as the tiger escapes. Tfie l:_iger flees the - t, :. •• CHAPTER 5 I THE TOWN OF VALLAKI

stockyard without harming the Wachters and begins to prowl the streets, looking for an escape. Reports of a tiger running loose in the streets ruin the festival and send townsfolk scurrying for their homes. The saber-toothed tiger doesn't harm anyone until it takes damage, whereupon it attacks the perceived source of the damage. If he is still alive, Izek Strazni gathers six town guards and hunts down the beast with the intention of killing it. Meanwhile, Rictavio does his best to lure the beast back to his wagon while assuring townsfolk that it won't harm them. DEVELOPMENT If he's still in power, the burgomaster conducts an investigation to find out where the tiger came from. Guards and local witnesses are questioned. The Wachter boys feign innocence, insisting that they were at the festival, but Gunther and Yelena Arasek (area NS) admit to hearing "evil growls" and scratching sounds coming from inside the carnival wagon parked in their stockyard. When pressed, the Araseks admit to seeing the wagon's "weird owner" routinely drop food into the wagon through a hatch in the roof. They also confess that the half-elf paid them for their silence. After the burgomaster learns that the tiger belongs to Rictavio, he commands his guards to arrest the mysterious bard. If Rictavio thinks the characters can help him, he asks them to distract the burgomaster and the guards while he gathers his horse, wagon, and tiger (in that order). If the characters ask Rictavio where he plans to go, he tells them about an old tower to the west where he can lie low (see chapter 11, "Van Richten's Tower"). LADYWACHTER'S WISH Ernst Larnak (see area N4) begins shadowing the characters. Characters who have a passive Wisdom (Perception) score of 14 9r higher notice him doing so. If they confront him, he claims that he keeps a watchful eye on all strangers, though he doesn't mention the name of his employer. If the characters threaten him, he backs off and reports to Lady Wachter after he believes he's not being watched or pursued. Lady Wachter is looking for powerful allies to help her oust the burgomaster. If Ernst tells her that he thinks the characters fit the bill, Lady Wachter has Ernst or her sons invite the characters to a private dinner at Wachterhaus. During the dinner, Lady Wachter determines whether the characters have the ability and theresolve to crush the baron. If the characters refuse he� in:vitation, or tf �hey profess to be enemies of Strahd, LadyW�cl!t�.i- marks-them as her enemies and sets outtci-ifestroy t)lem whhout incriminating hers.elf. · ·. :_<. \/t :) ·. : ·< DEVELOPMtNT � . . ., ·:•-.. . Once she determines that the characters.a're her ene- ·. mies, Lady Wachter hands Ernst a bag of 100 gp (taken froin area N4q) and instructs him to deliver it to the ;vistani camp outside town (area N9), ai'ong with a letter jrorri her that asks the Vistani to dispose of the charac­ :ters once they have left town. The Vistani burn the letter · after reading it, as per Lady Wachter's request. CHAPTER 5 I THE TOWN 0F VALLAKT If the characters have rescued Arabelle (see chapter 2, area L), the Vistani return Lady Wachter's gold to Ernst and do nothing. Otherwise, a Vistana bandit watches the road east of Vallaki and reports back to camp if the characters are sighted leaving. The Vistani, worried that the characters might be more than a match for them, send one emissary on horseback to race ahead of the characters and inform Strahd. If Arrigal is alive, he makes the ride himself. Otherwise, the rider is a young Vistana bandit named Alexei (see area N9c). ST. ANDRAL's FEAST The characters can prevent this special event from occurring by returning the bones of St. Andra! to the church (area Nl) or by destroying the vampire spawn hiding in the coffin maker's shop (area N6). If the characters stay in Vallaki for three days or more and don't retrieve the bones or destroy the vampire spawn, Strahd visits the coffin maker's shop the following evening and orchestrates an attack on the church. The vampire spawn begin the attack that night. They cling to the outer walls and roof of St. Andral's church while four swarms of bats enter the church through the belfry and terrify the congregation. As the townsfolk flee the church, the vampire spawn leap down and attack them. During the chaos, Strahd enters the church in bat form, then reverts to vampire form and attacks Father Lucian. Unless the characters intervene, Strahd kills the priest before returning to Castle Ravenloft. If Father Lucian dies, locals bury his body in the church cemetery, whereupon it rises the following night as a vampire spawn under Strahd's control. If Rictavio (area N2) learns of the priest's death, he suggests that the characters burn the priest's body to ensure that it doesn't rise from the dead. DEVELOPMENT The attack on St. Andral's church terrorizes and demoralizes the town. After a few days, fear turns to misdirected rage as townsfolk blame the burgomaster. Baron Vallakovich's "All will be well!" mantra can't protect him from their wrath. Barring intervention by the characters, the burgomaster's mansion is set ablaze, and t):ie baron, his wife, and his son are dragged to the town square, thrown in the stocks, and stoned to death. If he is.alive, Izek Strazni flees the town to avoid a similar fate. Wh�re he hides is up to you, but likelylocations'include Old Bonegrinder (chapter 6), Argynvosth�lt (�hapter,7), or the ruins of Berez (chaptei:· io).· · ' · If the characters thwarf thi �tt�ck' on the chun;� .and protect Father Lucian, Slrahd pays a visit to Wachter� · • haus (area N4) and there c�· a l�tter, ��ich he asks Lady Wachter to deliver t<;> tl\(chara<.ters.·'.fhe letter is written in Strahd! s hand and· extehds an invitation to the characters to' co,me-t� Cai.tie Ra��nloft. Lady Wachter- orders h'er ;py; Ernst . l'�rnak; or one of her sons to take the letter to the 'characters. If the characters : open and read it, show the players "Strahd's Invitation" in ·�ppendix F. If the characters head toward the castle, .. theyJ1ci'11e qp_ thr�atening random encounters on the way. �-� . . . ; . . ·, ·��:· ,' ;"0J;;t/i ... . :·/ ���,.�::+· ... '· '\L-�

CHAPTER 6: OLD BONEGRINDER NCE A GRAIN MILL THAT SERVED VALLAKI, this slouching windmill is now home to three night hags: Morgantha and her wretched daughters, Bella Sunbane and Offalia Wormwiggle. The hags are trapped in Barovia, but they like it here. Using their Change Shape action to look like Barovian women-a frumpy mother and her two homely daughters-the hags snatch children, devour them, and use the windmill's grindstone to crush their little bones into powder. This powder is a key ingredient in the hags' dream pastries, which they offer to Barovian adults who are desperate to escape Strahd's domain. Made with the bones of the innocent, the hags' dream pastries allow Barovians to enter a trance, wherein they can escape to heavenly places full of joy. When adults can no longer afford the hag's dream pastries, the hags offer to trade their pastries for the Barovians' children, thus preying on the adults' selfishness while acquiring the ingredients they need to make more pastries. This is how the hags sow corruption in Strahd's domain and why they don't take the children by force. The hags are interested only in children who have souls. They prick each child with a needle; if the child cries, that's a sign that the infant has a soul. MORGANTHA'S COVEN The hags possess the shared spellcasting abilities of a coven (see the "Hag Covens" sidebar in the hags entry in the Monster Manual). If one or more hags die, the coven is broken. Morgantha tolerates her daughters only because they help her complete the coven. If one of them dies, Morgantha sets out to abduct and consume a human child so that she can give birth to a new daughter (as described in the Monster Manual). Morgantha gave her coven's hag eye to Cyrus Belview, Strahd's disfigured manservant (see chapter 4, area K62), so that she could spy on Castle Ravenloft and keep an eye on the vampire. The hags are fearful of Strahd and respect his dominion over this land. For more information on the hag eye, see the hags entry in the Monster Manual. DREAMS ARE FOR THE LMNG. -Strahd von Zarovich DREAM PASTRIES These pastries look and taste like small mincemeat pies. A creature that eats one in its entirety must succeed on a DC 16 Constitution saving throw or fall into a trance that lasts for ld4 + 4 hours, during which time the creature is incapacitated and has a speed of O feet. The trance ends if the affected creature takes any damage or if someone else uses an action to shake the creature out of its stupor. While in the trance, the creature dreams of being in some joyous place, far removed from the evils of the world. The places and characters in the dream are vivid and believable, and when the dream ends, the affected creature experiences a longing to return to the place. APPROACHING THE WINDMILL The windmill's stone walls are easily climbed. Wooden floors separate the various levels. There are no lights within, since the hags have darkvision. The Old Svalich Road transitions here from being a winding path through the Balinok Mountains to a lazy trail that hugs the mountainside as it descends into a fog-filled valley. In the heart of the valley you see a walled town near the shores of a great mountain lake, its waters dark and still. A branch in the road leads west to a promontory, atop which is perched a dilapidated stone windmill, its warped wooden vanes stripped bare.

Closer investigation of the windmill yields a few more details: The onion-domed edifice leans forward and to one side, as though trying to turn away from the stormy gray sky. You see gray brick walls and dirt-covered windows on the upper floors. A decrepit wooden platform encircles the windmill above a flimsy doorway leading to the building's interior. Perched on a wooden beam above the door is a raven. It hops about and squawks at you, seemingly agitated. A character who succeeds on a DC 12 Wisdom (Insight) check senses that the raven is trying to warn the party. After delivering its message, the raven flies off toward Vallaki, the town in the valley below (see chapter 5). Beyond the windmill is the forest. Once atop the windmill's hill, the characters can see a ring of four squat megaliths at the forest's edge. Ravens can be seen circling in the air above the stones, which are described at the end of the chapter. AREAS OF THE WINDMILL The following areas correspond to labels on the map of Old Bonegrinder on page 127. 01. GROUND FLOOR The ground floor has been converted into a makeshift kitchen, but the room is filthy. Baskets and old dishware are piled everywhere. Adding to the clutter is a peddler's cart, a chicken coop, a heavy wooden trunk, and a pretty wooden cabinet with flowers painted on its doors. In addition to the clucking of the chickens, you hear toads croaking. The sweet smell of pastries blends horridly with a stench that burns your nostrils. The awful odor comes out of an open, upright barrel in the center of the room. Warmth issues from a brick oven against one wall, and a crumbling staircase ascends the wall across from it. Shrieks and cackles from somewhere higher up cause the old mill to shudder. The ceiling here is 8 feet high. If the characters explore the room, read: I Small human bones litter the flagstone floor. I Baking in the oven are a dozen dream pastries. Morgantha checks on them every 10 minutes. The staircase curls up to area 02. The barrel holds glistening, greenish-black demon ichor. Morgantha can use the barrel as a font for a scrying spell. She can also knock on the barrel three times as an action to summon a dretch. The demon crawls out of the barrel at the end of Morgantha's turn and obeys the night hag's commands for 1 hour, after which it dissolves into a pool of ichor. Morgantha can summon up to nine dretches _in this manner before the ichor is gone. Morgantha's cabinet contains wooden bowls full of herbs and baking ingredients, including flour, sugar, and several gourds of powdered bone. Hanging on the inside of the cabinet doors are a dozen Jocks of hair. Amid various concoctions are three small, labeled containers that hold elixirs. The first elixir, labeled "Youth," is a golden syrup that magically makes the imbiber appear younger and more attractive for 24 hours. The second elixir, labeled "Laughter," is a nonmagical red tea that infects· the imbiber with cackle fever (see "Diseases". in chapter 8, "Running the Game," of the Dungeon Master's Guide). The third elixir, a greenish miiky liquid labeled "Mother's Milk," is actually a dose· of pale tincture (see "Poisons" in chapter 8 of the.Dungeon Master's Guide). The chicken coop contains thr�e chickens, a rooster, and a few laid eggs. . . . . The wooden trunk has tiny holes bored into its lid and contains a hundred croaking toads. Several toads escape if the lid is lifted, btit they are harmless.

Old 13on�g-rinduc71ruo) 02. BONE MILL Unless she has been lured elsewhere, Morgantha is encountered here. This is where she grinds children's bones to make the powder for her dream pastries. A haggard, heavyset old woman with a face as wrinkled as a boiled apple sweeps the floor, pushing around a few old bones and stirring up a cloud of white dust with her broom. She wears a bloodstained, flour-caked apron. A long, sharp bodkin impales her bundled-up mound of gray hair. The dirt-caked windows allow very little light to enter this eight-foot-high chamber, most of which is taken up by a large millstone connected to a wooden gear shaft that rises through the ceiling in the center of the room. A stone staircase continues up, toward the sound of loud cackling. The old woman is Morgantha, a night hag. She doesn't mind visitors, as long as they've _ come to do business. She tries to sell her latest batch of dream pastries, charging 1 gp for eac� one. She's proud of her confections and claims that she uses only the finest ingredients. If the characters seem uninterested in her wares, she bellows, "Begone!". If_ they attack or refu�e to leave, she calls out_ to he�,dati� hters and turns to fight. �I ,:� The hags operate the millstone manually, since the arms of the windmill no longer function. 03. BEDROOM The night hags Bella Sunbane and Offalia Wormwiggle are here, unless they have been drawn elsewhere. Dancing around a thick wooden gear shaft in the center of this cramped, circular room are two ugly young women wearing silk shawls and gowns of stitched flesh. Long needles stick out of their tangled mops of black hair. The women cackle with glee. In a rotting wooden closet are three crates, stacked one atop another, with small doors set into them. Next to the closet is a heap of discarded clothing. A ladder climbs to a wooden trapdoor in the nine-foot-high ceiling. A moldy bed with a tattered canopy stands nearby. Morgantha's daughters are repulsive even in their human guises. When they are not singing, dancing, or : telling terrible jokes to one anoth . er, they ;ire pricking ·captured children with· ma.Ke_thell\ cry. Any attemp� to f,r,ee t�e di!l1re'�j_pc1:1:rs,jp ... eJags' wrath . . , ·'· . .. The belong� to chi,l_dren whom �he. 'night h;,igs have·afri':�dy �ev:oured. Th<ftrapdoor_in the ceilirtg'. can\i�:pusheg o�eh to-reveal :afea ·.o..�:, . ·, . Each orate·is 3 feet.square._,The,toJJ. C!_!le"i,s·e.mpty, but the middle and lower ones each cqntain'a.<e�P,tive child. ,.. , .. , ..• CHAPTER f;i I OLD BONEGRI NDER \

128 The outward-facing side of each crate is fitted with a small door that has an iron latch and iron hinges. It can be unlatched and opened easily from the outside. The two captured children (LG male and female noncombatants) were taken from the village of Barovia after being given to the hags by their parents in exchange for dream pastries. The boy, Freek, is seven years old. The girl, Myrtle, is barely five. Their crates are full of crumbs, as the hags are fattening them up. If freed, neither child wants to go home, because of what their parents did. They both speak kindly of Ismark and Ireena in Barovia, hoping to be taken to them. 'TREASURE The hags don't use the bed for sleeping, but they store their treasure in it. Six pieces of cheap jewelry (worth 25 gp eac�) are stuffed in the· mot�! �.traw mattress. ,l'' ' { .. _·'i:,·_�· � l , ... .... ;· .... You've reached the windmill's peak-a domed chamber filled with old machinery. There's not much room to move around. Light slips into this attic through small holes in the walls. Characters searching this space find a few old, abandoned bird's nests. CHAPTER 6 I OLD BONEGRINDER FORTUNES OF RAVENLOFT If your card reading reveals that a treasure is here, it's easy to find, either tucked in a bird's nest or buried under some dirt in a corner. THE MEGALITHS The four ancient stones near the windmill were erected centuries ago by the valley's original human inhabitants. Each moss-covered stone bears a crude carving of a city, each of which is associated with a different season. The city of winter is shown covered with snow, the city of spring is arrayed in flowers, the city of summer has a sunburst overhead, and the city of autumn is covered with leaves. If the characters ask any of the priests or scholarly NPCs in Barovia about the stones. , the characters are told that ancient legends tell of.the Four Cities, said to be the cities of paradise whe�e theMorninglord, Mother Night, and the other ancient.gods first dwelled. Several ravens circle overhead, and one pecks at something on top of the stone th�t dep�cts the city of autumn. Upon inspection, the characters see the. raven is pecking at a dream pastry, and on the ground "in the center of the stone circle is a small pile of children's teeth. The hags placed these here to desecrate the stones and as an offering to the entity they worship, the wicked archfey Ceithlenn of the Crooked Teeth.

CHAPTER 7: ARGYNVOSTHOLT HEN STRAHD DROVE HIS ENEMIES INTO the valley long ago, determined to annihilate them, the last thing he expected to encounter was a silver dragon. The dragon, who called himself Argynvost, had come to the valley years earlier in the guise of a nobleman named Lord Argynvost. The dragon didn't lair in the valley solely because of its idyllic beauty. He knew of a place called the Amber Temple-a repository of evil power guarded by the forces of good. Argynvost wanted to make sure that whatever was trapped inside the Amber Temple wouldn't be allowed to escape, so he built his fortified mansion, Argynvostholt, close by. Like many silver dragons, Argynvost was extraordinarily wealthy, and he was comfortable living among humans while disguised as one of them. He used his resources to attract other champions of good, and valorous knights flocked to the valley to join Lord Argynvost's prestigious Order of the Silver Dragon. Only those who were initiated into the order were told of Lord Argynvost's true nature. During the war between Strahd and his foes, the Order of the Silver Dragon drove away malefactors searching for the Amber Temple. It also sheltered Strahd's enemies and proved more than a match for Strahd's battle-weary soldiers. But the early victories of the order didn't win the war. Even with Argynvost on their side, the knights were ultimately overwhelmed when Strahd's reinforcements swept into the valley. Those forces slew the last of the knights and battled the dragon inside Argynvostholt. After the dragon was slain, Strahd had its corpse hacked to pieces, stripped to the bone, and transported to Castle Ravenloft as a trophy. Since the dragon's death, Argynvostholt has become a haunted ruin, a former bastion of nobility and light turned into a place of desolation and unrest. l WAS LOOKING AT DEAD MEN. BEFORE another hour passed, I'd send them wailing on their way to rotting hell. All of them. -Str�c_! von Zarovich in I, Strahd: The Merriqirs of a Vampire THE ORDER OF THE SILVER DRAGON The death of Argynvost enraged the spirit of Vladimir Horngaard, the greatest of the dragon's knights. Horngaard returned as a revenant and swore to avenge the destruction of the order. His zeal was so great that it also brought back the spirits of several other knights, who rose as revenants under Vladimir's command. The vengeful revenants killed many of Strahd's soldiers, and whenever the undead knights were cut down, their spirits found new corpses to inhabit. Though the knights were grossly outnumbered, they waged war for months and slew hundreds of foes. When Strahd died and became a vampire, Vladimir's knights should have gone to their everlasting rest, but their spirits couldn't leave Strahd's domain. They marched to Castle Ravenloft and were confronted by the Vistani seer Madam Eva, who told them Strahd had died, only to become a prisoner in his own land, tormented by the death of his beloved Tatyana and the murder of his brother Sergei. After receiving that news, Vladimir ceased his advance and led his knights back to Argynvostholt. He realized that Strahd had already died and been damned to a hell of his own creation. With nowhere else to go and nothing else to do, Vladimir set his knights to killing Strahd's agents and anyone else who might help to ease Strahd's torment. Consumed by hatred, the knights have lost their honor and nobility. Their redemption hinges on whether Vladimir can set aside that hatred. The undead knight can be found brooding in the ruins of Argynvostholt.

REVENANTS OF BAROVIA A revenant, as described in the Monster Manual, has a year to achieve its revenge before its body crumbles to dust and its soul enters the afterlife. In Barovia, however, a revenant can remain in its body indefinitely, and once it has reaped its vengeance, its soul remains trapped in Barovia. If the body of a revenant is destroyed before its vengeance is fulfilled, its spirit seeks out a new corpse or skeleton to animate. To determine where the revenant's new body rises, roll a d20 and consult the following table. d20 Corpse Location 1-4 Village of Barovia cemetery (ch. 3, area E6) 5-11 Church graveyard in Vallaki (ch. 5, area Nl) 12 Argynvostholt cemetery (area Ql5) 13 Grave in the village of Krezk (ch. 8, area 53) 14 Grave in the Berez cemetery (ch. 10, area U4) 15-16 Grave in the Svalich Woods (ch. 2, "Random Encounters") 17-20 Corpse of one deceased player character or N PC, wherever it happens to be The spirit of the dragon Argynvost isn't at rest, either. It can sense that the knights have been corrupted, and it reaches out to the characters, hoping they will help the knights find peace. If the characters retrieve the dragon's skull from Castle Ravenloft and place it in the mausoleum of Argynvostholt, the dragon's spirit ascends to the highest tower of the mansion and transforms into a beacon of light that flashes across Barovia. The light of the beacon reminds Vladimir Horngaard of what he has lost, enabling him and his fellow knights to let go of their hatred and find both redemption and rest. CHAPTER 7 I ARGYNVOSTHOLT APPROACHING THE MANSION A winding branch of the Old Svalich Road meanders up the forested slope of a mountain spur to the old mansion, which is perched on high ground overlooking the Svalich Woods and the Luna River valley. When the characters first come within sight of Argynvostholt, read: High above the river valley juts a quiet promontory upon which looms a sepulchral mansion, its turrets capped with fairytale cones, its towers lined with sculpted battlements. A third of the structure has collapsed, as has part of the roof, but the rest appears intact. A dark, octagonal tower rises above the surrounding architecture. Out of the fog comes a distant peal of thunder, quickly accompanied by the howling of wolves in the woods below, but the house stands silent, seeming like the fossilized remains of some long-dead thing smote upon the mountainside. AREAS OF ARGYNVOSTHOLT The following areas correspond to labels on the maps of Argynvostholt on page 131 and 137. QJ. DRAGON STATUE Perched atop a ten-foot-wide, ten-foot-high cube of granite is a moss-covered statue of a dragon, its wings tucked close to its body. The statue looks east, toward the mansion. The fog makes it hard to see the dragon's features from a distance, but close inspection reveals that it's a silver dragon of noble bearing, its spiny frill cracked and broken in many places. The statue is 10 feet tall but looks much more imposing perched on the granite block. If scrutinized with a detect magic spell, the statue radiates an aura of evocation magic. The.dragon statue used to breathe a cone of cold as part of i1 magic trap, but the trap no longer_ works (see _ar.ea Q�r 2. MAIN ENTRAN_c:w. Flagstone steps flanked by stone railings climb to a landing in front of a pair of tall, wooden doors with rusted iron bands and knockers shaped like small dragons. Carved into the lintel above the entrance is the word ARGYNVOSTHOLT.

CHAPTER 7 I ARGYNVOSTHOLT � 131 • r" -s.. ·- 1· � \.1/ -,'\ ���������----"'-----���-_i'L_ _L

If a creature climbs the steps or sets foot on the landing, the dragon statue (area Ql) opens its mouth and exhales a 60-foot cone of harmless cold air, then closes its mouth and doesn't activate again until the next dawn. At one time, the statue would breathe a cone of ice and hail, but its magic has deteriorated over the years. The doors are unlocked and can be pushed open to reveal a dark foyer (area Q3). Q3. DRAGON'S FOYER This room feels like a king's tomb. A grand staircase leads up to stone balconies held aloft by stone pillars and arches. A tall, faded tapestry depicting a nobleman in silver armor hangs from an iron rod above the staircase landing. Six sets of double doors lead from this foyer. Along the walls, displayed on marble pedestals, are three alabaster busts of handsome men. A fourth bust and its pedestal have been knocked over, and their shattered remains lie strewn across the mosaic floor. Two chandeliers of wrought iron hang from the ceiling like monstrous black spiders. The tapestry is torn in places and worthless. It is a portrait of Lord Argynvost. The alabaster busts depict several of the dragon's other human guises. The stairs lead up to the second-floor balconies (area Q18). SHADOW OF ARGYNVOST The first time the characters pass through this foyer, read: I A great shadow with wings moves across the walls and I disappears. You hear the soft bestial hiss in the darkness. The draconic shadow is ominous yet harmless. Q4. SPIDERS' BALLROOM Rubble is strewn throughout much of this vast chamber, caused by the partial collapse of the rooms above it. On the pink marble floor, fallen chandeliers lie amid broken chairs and other furnishings. Thick webs stretch from wall to wall, and moving among them are too many giant spiders to count! . · . .... :., Nine giant spiders nest here. Th�y\iti�ek.anyo�� who· ·. · ·gets too close. ·' • · ·. · ·· · ·' ·' Q5. RUINED STABLE Here lie the blackened beams of a wooden stable, burned to its stone foundation. Looming above the wreckage is the partially collapsed south end of the mansion, all three of its floors exposed to the elements. There is nothing of value in the stable. Q6. DRAGON'S DEN This wood-paneled den has been ransacked, its furnishings tossed about. A cold, dark hearth dominates the west wall between two narrow windows. Standing upright against the north wall is a sarcophagus made of black wood with a queen's effigy carved into its lid. Argynvost had the empty sarcophagus converted into a wine cabinet. Now, only shattered wineglasses and decanters are to be found on the shelves. The den's other furnishings include rotted divans, broken chairs, overturned ottomans, and smashed oil lamps. A secret door at the north end of the east wall can be pushed open to reveal a storage room (area Qll). LIVING FIRE If the beacon of Argynvostholt (area Q53) has not been lit, read the following text when the characters approach the fireplace for the first time: I A fire erupts in the dead hearth and assumes a draconic I form. It hisses, crackles, and unfurls its smoky wings. Have the player characters roll initiative. The fire acts on initiative count 10 and has AC 15, 1 hit point, and immunity to fire, poison, and psychic damage. If it is reduced to O hit points, it explodes and fills the room with fire, setting fire to the dry furnishings. Each creature in the room must make a DC 12 Dexterity saving throw, taking 22 (4d10) fire damage on a faiied save, or · half as much damage-on a successful one; The fire doesn't attack. Oi{ its first turn, if it has not been reduced to O hit p�irits, it speaks.: · .·· :. The fiery dragon hisses as it addresses you. "My knights have fallen into darkness. Save them if you can. Show them the light they have lost!" With that, the fire burns out. ·�·· The dragon ref�rs to '.the C J rcief"or'tJie. Silver Dragon and . the beacon (area 9s3):' -

Q7. PARLOR Tattered velvet drapes cover the tall, slender windows that encircle this parlor. The furnishings are covered with dust and cobwebs, and lie in disarray. A damaged brass chandelier hangs from the ceiling, which is covered with a faded mural that depicts metallic dragons and colorful birds flying beneath white clouds. Time and neglect have damaged the furnishings, leaving nothing of value. Q8. IRON GATE An iron gate, chained shut, closes off a 10-foot-tall archway on the north wall of the mansion. The key to the chain's padlock was lost long ago, but the lock can be picked by someone who uses thieves' tools and makes a successful DC 20 Dexterity check. The old lock can be smashed by a character who uses a bludgeoning or slashing weapon on it and makes a successful DC 15 Strength check. Ten-foot-high flights of stone steps to the west and east of the archway lead up to landings and doors that provide access to areas Q7 and Q9. Q9. SERVANTS' QUARTERS Tattered brown drapes cover the windows of this circular room, and a heavy curtain hangs across an archway to the south. Strewn about the floor is the wreckage of half a dozen beds and other pieces of furniture. Lord Argynvost's household staff once slept here. The room contains nothing of value. Beyond the curtain lies the kitchen (area QlO). Ql0. KITCHEN This kitchen has been plundered, its tables overturned. The floor is littered with rusted utensils and smashed crockery. Narrow windows flanking a hearth look out over a cemetery. An open iron po _ t hangs from a hook inside the blackened fireplace. It rattles on its hook and bobs up and down, as though something is inside it. The iron pot contains an ordinary bat. When the charac� ters get close, it flies out and flaps about the room. Qll. WINE STORAGE I Five barrels lie in wooden braces along the walls of this dark, moldy storage room. . ,. �· . . �: .. {;. Hiding behind the barrels is a wounded elf named Savid (N male dusk elf scout). He has 4 hit points remaining and is grateful for any healing the characters can provide. Savid lives with the other dusk elves ofBarovia in the Vistani camp outside Vallaki (chapter 5, area N9). He was searching the woods for a missing Vistani girl named Arabelle when a wandering mob of needle blights accosted him. He was forced to take refuge in the mansion. Savid, who is more than four hundred years old, volunteers the following useful information: • Argynvost was a silver dragon that liked to assume human forms. Argynvostholt was the dragon's home. , In human guise, the noble dragon led a group of knights called the Order of the Silver Dragon. They gave shelter to refugees who had come to the valley to escape Strahd's army. Strahd's soldiers slew the dragon, destroyed the order, and sacked the mansion. , Vistani and dusk elves avoid the mansion, believing that the dragon's ghost haunts it. The wine in the barrels turned to vinegar and evaporated long ago. Emblazoned on the barrels' sides are the name of the winery, the Wizard of Wines, and the name of the wine, Champagne du le Stomp. A secret door at the north end of the west wall can be pulled open to reveal a den (area Q6). Ql2. DINING HALL A twenty-foot-long table with sculpted dragons for legs stands in the center of this hall. The chairs that surround the table have backs carved to resemble folded dragon wings, and several of the chairs have been overturned or smashed to pieces. Suspended above the table is a crystal chandelier that glows with a soft white light. Standing in windowed alcoves are two life-sized statues depicting knights with dragon-winged helms and shields. Rainwater trickles through cracks in the ceiling, flowing down the west wall and adding to a large puddle on the floor. Five sets of wooden doors lead to this hall. The doors in the northeast corner hang open. A pair of leaded glass doors, their panes cracked and broken, stand open between panels of stained glass set into the east wall. These panels depict silver dragons in flight. Beyond the glass doors lies a dark, misty room that appears to be a chapel. .;·· . CHAPTE0 R 7 I AR�YNVOSTHOLT 133

13. CHAPEL OF MORNING Cracked wooden pillars support a wooden, U-shaped balcony that overhangs this stone-walled chapel. Narrow archways lead to spiral staircases that curl up to the balcony, and a door set into the north wall has a wooden beam barring it. At the east end of the chapel rests a stone altar flanked by iron candelabras. The altar is carved with a rising sun bas-relief. Tall, arching windows set with panels of stained glass decorate the walls behind the altar. One of the windows has been shattered, covering the chapel floor with shards of colored glass and allowing thick fog to enter and fill the room. If the beacon has not been lit (see areas Q16 and Q53), add: I Through the fog, you see three armored figures kneeling before the altar. I The figures are three revenants clad in tattered chain mail that affords the same protection as leather armor. Each revenant wields a longsword. If the beacon is lit, the revenants are cleansed of their hatred and laid to rest, and the characters find three armored corpses with longswords lying on the floor in front of the altar. The revenants, if still active, are blinded by their hate and attack the characters on sight, seeking to drive them out of Argynvostholt. As an action, a revenant attacks twice with its longsword, wielding the weapon with both hands and dealing 15 (2dl0 + 4) slashing damage on a hit. Characters who study the room's iconography and orientation (the fact that it draws light from the east) can determine, with a successful DC 10 Intelligence (Religion) check, that the chapel is dedicated to a god of the dawn. Anyone familiar with Barovian religion can conclude that the god in question is the Morninglord. The balcony (area Q24) is 20 feet high and can be reached by climbing either spiral staircase (area Ql4). Characters who stand near the altar and look up can see the hollow interior of the beacon tower. The tower's lower landing (area Q50) is 60 feet above the chapel floor, and the upper landing (area Q51) is another 20 feet above that. The bar across the n9rth door is easily lifted flbm this side. Once the bar is remo:ved;·t:l1e poor c�ii be pulled open to reveal a stone sta.ircase ·ie1ding down to a cemetery (area Q15). · · · • 14. CHAPEL STAIRCASES I Narrow windows allow dim light to enter this five-footwide spiral staircase. j CHAPTER 7 I ARGYNVOSTHOLT r34 I-- /�..,.--.. ,. •./,­ I-�\, I The staircase leads from the chapel (area Q13) to the chapel's balcony (area Q24) and climbs another 20 feet to a small, empty room with a window that looks down on the chapel. Ql5. CEMETERY Tucked behind the mansion is a fog-shrouded cemetery enclosed by a seven-foot-tall fence of wrought iron. In the northeast corner stands a mausoleum. If the beacon has not been lit (see areas Q16 and Q53), read the following text when the characters cross the cemetery for the first time: You suddenly feel like someone or something is watching you. Looking up, you spot a well-dressed man with a thick mane of thistledown hair observing you from a high tower window. He draws the curtain and disappears from view. The strange man watches the characters through the southeast window of area Q42. He is merely an apparition intended to lure the characters to that room. The mausoleum is described in area Ql6. The thick fog obscures the fact that five of the graves have been dug up. Closer inspection and a successful DC 10 Wisdom (Perception) check reveals that the corpses buried there crawled out of the earth. Of the missing corpses there is no sign, but the surrounding fence is intact, which suggests that no one got into the cemetery from outside. (These corpses were animated by the spirits of revenants and clawed their way out.) A stone staircase curls up the outside of a turret to a flagstone landing in front of a sturdy wooden door. The door is barred from the inside and opens into the chapel (area Q13). _Ql6. DRAGON'S MAUSOLEUM Tarnished, silver-plated gargoyles shaped like dragon wyrmlings cling to the stone-tiled roof of this mausoleum. An eight-foot-tall, four-foot-wide white marble door set into the southwest wall is engraved with a name: ARGYNVOST. The dragon-shaped gaq;(�yles ate ha�mless . statuary. The stone door can be pulled open with ·a Succ�ssful DC 15 Strength check. ·· ·.: · The interior of the mausoleum is dark and dusty. You see four empty alcoves with raised floors. Etched into the far wall is a verse written in Draconic.

Characters who can read the Draconic script can decipher the writing on the wall: Here lie the bones and treasures of Argynvost, lord of Argynvostholt and founder of the Order of the Silver Dragon. DEVELOPMENT If the skull of Argynvost is brought from Castle Ravenloft (see chapter 4, area K67) and sealed inside the mausoleum, the dragon's spirit transforms into a brilliant light at the top of the tower (see area Q53). Ql 7. WEST STAIRCASES l Narrow windows illuminate this dusty, five-foot-wide spiral staircase. l These staircases connect the second-floor balconies (area Q18) to areas Q30 and Q36 on the third floor. 18. BALCONIES Two stone balconies flank the main foyer. Balusters carved to resemble knights in shining armor support their elegantly carved stone railings. Weapons and shields festoon the walls along each of these walkways, while alabaster busts of handsome men flank hallways that lead north and south away from the foyer. At the west end of each balcony is an archway that leads to a spiral staircase going up. The balcony is 20 feet above the floor of the foyer (area Q3). The weapons and shields hanging on the walls are nonmagical. The busts, displayed atop wooden pedestals, depict various human guises of the dragon Argynvost. Their eyes seem to watch the characters as they walk by, but the effect is an optical illusion. Ql9. RUINED BEDCHAMBERS There are two of these rooms. The south end of this room has collapsed, exposing the chamber to the elements. A few furnishings lie broken under fallen debris from the level above. The wooden floor creaks underfoot. Although it is safe to walk on, doing so attracts the giant spiders from area Q4. The spiders crawl up into the room and attack. The floor here is 20 feet above the floor of the ballroom. - Q20. SOUTH ALCOVE l A red velvet curtain hangs in front of an alcove in the southeast corner of this hall. It ripples ever so slightly. One of the narrow windows in the back of the alcove has a broken glass pane through which a slight breeze passes, causing the curtain to move. When the characters look behind the curtain, read: l l A black cloth covers something atop a white marble ] pedestal. Beneath the black cloth is the severed head of a randomly determined character-an illusion created by Strahd's consciousness. In actuality, it's an exquisite alabaster bust of a handsome, middle-aged human with a neatly trimmed mustache and beard (Lord Argynvost). The illusion is too strong to be disbelieved, but it can be dispelled if the bust is broken or covered up again. Q21. NORTH ALCOVE l A red velvet curtain hangs in front of an alcove in the northeast corner of this hall. l The alcove is empty except for the narrow windows in the back walls. Whenever the characters part the curtain and leave, the curtain is closed when they return. Only by removing the curtain from its rod can they prevent the curtain from closing on its own. Q22. BATHROOM The room contains an iron tub and has wood paneling on the walls that rises to a height of three feet. Above the paneling, the walls are painted with a continuous, faded mural of a mountainscape. The mural accurately depicts the Balinok Mountains. Q23. STORAGE ROOM Rainwater seeps through cracks in the ceiling and flows into a pool on the sagging wooden floor. The pool fills about half the room. Bare stone shelves line the walls. This room has been thoroughlylo6ted .. The woode� · . floor is 'Soft· and·1?R_Ongy, and it C�n't support more than -� 100 poupds·�f'weig�t:if,.the · · floor.collapses, and ·a:ny'.creattire in thd:oom falls· 20· feet, faking daipage asnormal and:l�ijdinifin.area Q12. CHAPTER 7 I ARGYNVOSTHOLT t 135 . -<7---<Jz�-:s

Q24. CHAPEL BALCONY This wooden balcony overhangs the mansion's chapel. An exquisitely carved wooden throne rests at the west end between two doors, and narrow archways lead to spiral staircases going up and down. Hanging from the high ceiling is an iron chandelier with candle holders shaped like tiny silver dragons. The doors behind the throne lead to areas Q20 and Q21. A wooden railing surrounds the balcony, which is 20 feet above the floor of the chapel (area Q13). Q25. TRAPPED HALLWAY This T-shaped hallway has branches to the west, east, and south. Three arched windows in the north wall look out over the foggy grounds. The ceiling in the hall is 20 feet high. The wooden doors to areas Q27 and Q28 are locked, requiring a successful DC 20 Strength check to break down. The 10-foot squares in front of the doors (marked T on the map) are trapped. When a character enters one of these squares, a floor-to-ceiling wall of stone (created by the spell of the same name) magically appears across the opening on the south wall. At the same time, the phantom warriors in areas Q27 and Q28 rush through the doors (which can be freely opened from their side) and attack. The wall of stone vanishes after 10 minutes, at which time the trap resets. Characters who cast a detect magic spell in the hall can perceive hazy auras of evocation magic in front of the doors. Q.26. NORTHEAST GUEST ROOM The door to this room hangs open. Two beds with torn canopies stand against opposite walls with a tattered rug lying on the floor between them. Set into the far wall is a fireplace black with soot. A soft hiss issues from the hearth. When one or more characters approach within 10 feet of the fireplace, add: , ' . '• .• •· ·. · .; -· ·." • ... A small, hissing dragon made of ash and smoke erupts from the fireplace, filling the room with soot as it beats its wings. The smoky dragonet has the statistics of a smoke me• phit but fights only in self-defense. If left alone, it flies . out of the room at a speed of 30 feet, up the spiral stairs case (area Ql 7 ), through the curtain at area Q30, over CHAPTER 7 I ARGYNVOSTHOLT the rubble in area Q33, and into area Q36. Once there, it lands on the back of Vladimir's throne and disappears. 27. KNIGHTS' UARTERS This room is littered with the wreckage of ancient bunk beds. Five dirt-caked windows allow precious little light to enter, and between them are four empty armor stands. Empty torch sconces line the walls. Four phantom warriors (see appendix D) haunt this room. They manifest only when the characters enter the room or trigger the magic trap in area Q25. They fight until destroyed. 28. KNIGHTS' UARTERS Tattered and faded drapes cover the windows of this circular room, and empty torch sconces line the walls. Broken bunk beds and armor stands are strewn on the floor. Three phantom warriors (see appendix D) haunt this room. They manifest only when the characters enter the room or trigger the magic trap in area Q25. They fight until destroyed. TREASURE Buried under the wreckage is a small wooden coffer containing four potions of invulnerability. A search of the room yields this lost cache. 29. NORTHW EST GUEST ROOM The contents of this room are draped in cobwebs. Between curtained windows stands a black marble hearth with a sculpted mantelpiece, above which hangs a framed portrait of a handsome, well-dressed man with a wry smile and a thick mane of thistledown hair. Opposite the fireplace is a large bed with a rotting mattress and wooden posts carved to resemble dragons. Across from the double doors stands a tall wardrobe, its doors hanging open, revealing a dark and empty cavity. The only other piece of furniture is an overstuffed leather chair that faces the hearth. The portrait depicts the sUver dragon Argynvo�t in its. guise as the human nob!� ·Lorcl"kgynvcist:· . . 30. CURTAINEil.STAIR_CASE A tattered black curtain conceals an archway leading to a spiral staircase that descends to area Ql 7. At the top of the stairs is a secret door that can be pulled open to reveai area Q36 beyond . -- __ _ ___ _____ ·-··L···

Rriynvosrt,ol r (HrtaO) ftoofr'op and .&aeon 'Gl}ird Floor

".:: .· Q31. EAST STAIRCASES A round-topped wooden door opens to reveal a spiral staircase with narrow windows set into its walls. The stair connects the third floor and the mansion's roof. Q32. RUINED BED CHAMBERS These two rooms stand across from each other, separated by a ruined corridor that abruptly ends to the south of their doors. Most of this chamber has collapsed. The wooden floor is strewn with rubble and falls away into a foggy abyss to the south. The roof overhead is jagged and broken. The floor here is 40 feet above of the floor of the ballroom (area Q4). The roof is 20 feet overhead. Q33. COLLAPSED CEILING The roof over this part of the mansion has collapsed, creating a twenty-foot-diameter gaping hole with broken rafters bisecting it. Dark storm clouds roll across the sky overhead. The floor is piled with rocks, broken tiles, shattered beams, and other debris. Beneath the rubble lie a sagging floor and puddles of rainwater. The ceiling here is 20 feet high, and the rubble is difficult terrain. Vladimir Horngaard (see area Q36) can hear visitors climbing over the rubble and can't be surprised by them. Q34. RUINED BATHROOM This room has a tiled floor and an iron bathtub filled with debris from the collapsed roof. A torn curtain hangs in an open doorway in the center of the east wall. Q35. UPSTAIRS GALLERY This room has dark wood paneling on the walls that rises to a height of three feet. Above the paneling, the walls are painted with murals of religious figures performing holy rites. In the center of the west wall is a tattered curtain hanging in an open doorway. Three tall, slender stainedglass windows set into the opposite wall depict figures in white robes with orange sunrises behind their heads. From north to south, the three stained-glass windows portray Saint Andra!, the Morninglord, and Saint Markovia. CHAPTER 7 I ARGYNVOSTHOLT Q36. DRAGON'S AUDIENCE HALL The west wall of this fifty-foot-long, thirty-foot-wide audience hall has crumbled, leaving a gaping hole and a pile of rubble. Weapons and shields that once hung from the walls have fallen to the floor and succumbed to rust. A large, wooden throne carved to resemble a dragon with unfolding wings faces three tall windows to the west. Slumped in the throne is a gaunt, armored figure with one gauntlet wrapped around the hilt of a greatsword. Vladimir Horngaard (see appendix D), commander of the fallen Order of the Silver Dragon, is slumped in the throne. If the beacon of Argynvostholt (see area Q53) has been lit, the corpse is lifeless, and characters can plunder it freely (see "Treasure" below). If the beacon has not been lit, the body is serving as a host for the revenant. If the characters approach it, it says, "Go away." If they don't leave immediately, read: The creature's grip on the greatsword tightens. "If you have come to destroy me, know this: I perished defending this land from evil over four centuries ago, and because of my failure, I am forever doomed. If you destroy this body, my spirit will find a new corpse to inhabit, and I will hunt you down. You cannot free me from my damnation, nor would I wish it. "If you have come to free this land from the creature that feasts on the blood of the innocent, know this: There is no monster I hate more than Strahd von Zarovich. He slew Argynvost, broke the life of the knight I loved, and destroyed the valiant order to which I devoted my life, but Strahd has already died once. He can't be allowed to die again. Instead, he must suffer eternally in a hell of his own creation, from which he can never escape. Whatever can be done to bring him misery and unrest, I will do, but I will destroy anyone who tries to end his torment." Vladimir fights in self-defense. He also rises from his throne and attacks if the characters fail to heed his warning and press him for help destroying Strahd. _ The first time Vladimir takes damage,_ si� phantom warriors (see appendix D) materialize ahd joi'n ,the fray, coming to his defense. . . : : · · Hatred so clouds Vladimir's.mind that' he cari't remember that Sir Godfrey (area Q37) was.,his beloved in life. If Sir Godfrey helps the char�eters arid 'faces Vlad-, imir, anguished recognition' shines in Vladimir's eyes, yet only lighting the beacon can free him.'�-. TREASURE Vladimir Horngaard wields a +2 greatsword. Vladimir wears ·a platinum holy symbol of the Morninglo_rd _(worth 250 gp) around his neck, underneath his · �alf piafe-armoF.

FORTUNES OF RAVENLOFT If your card reading reveals that a treasure is here, it's in Vladimir's possession, and he doesn't part with it willingly unless the beacon of Argynvostholt has been lit (see area Q53). 37. KNIGHTS OF THE ORDER The leaders of the Order of the Silver Dragon used to convene here. Through the dust and cobwebs, you see faded war banners adorning the walls of a spacious chamber, in the center of which stands a heavy wooden table. An iron chandelier hangs above the table, which is surrounded by six high-backed chairs with wood-carved dragons perched atop them. Slumped in five of the chairs are skeletal humans in tattered chainmail. If the beacon in area Q53 has been lit, the spirits of these revenants are laid to rest, leaving behind their inanimate corpses. If the beacon has not been lit, add the following: concerning Argynvost and the rise and fall of the Order of the Silver Dragon. Neither he nor the other revenants can help the characters in any meaningful way, however, because of the oaths they have sworn to Vladimir Horngaard. FORTUNES OF RAVENLOFT If your card reading reveals that Sir Godfrey is Strahd's enemy and the characters persuasively ask him for help, he offers to join the fight against the vampire. Fate has unlocked his memory of the love that he and Vladimir once shared, and the power of that memory drives Godfrey to help fight Strahd and restore the order's honor. If the beacon in area Q53 has not been lit, Godfrey's decision incurs the wrath of the other revenants, triggering an armed conflict. If the beacon in area Q53 has been lit, Sir Godfrey remains a revenant even after all the other revenants (including Vladimir) are laid to rest, except that his alignment changes to lawful good. Although Sir Godfrey is unaware of the tarokka card reading, he somehow senses that he must perform one final task before his spirit can rest with Vladimir's, and thus he agrees to help the characters face Strahd in Castle Ravenloft. 38. CLOSET I The corpses tilt their heads in your direction. One of them growls, "Why do you the living disturb the dead?" The skeletal figures are five revenants. All five are lawful evil. They are awaiting orders from Vladimir (area Q36) and fight only in self-defense. The revenants wear broken chainmail that affords as much protection as leather armor, and they wield longswords. As an action, a revenant attacks twice with its longsword, wielding the weapon with both hands and dealing 15 (2d10 + 4) I I This dusty closet has a slender window set into the north wall. The room is otherwise empty. I slashing damage on a hit. One of the revenants, Sir Godfrey Gwilym, is a spellcaster with a challenge rating of 6 (2,300 XP) and the following additional feature: Spellcasting. Sir Godfrey is a 16th-level spellcaster. His spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save DC 15). Sir Godfrey has the following paladin spells prepared: 1st level (4 slots): command, detect magic, divine favor, thunderous smite 2nd level (3 slots): aid, branding smite, magic weapon 3rd level (3 slots): blinding smite, dispel magic, remove curse 4th level (2 slots): aura of purity, staggering smite Characters who inspect the fireplace notice a shieldshaped patch on the wall above the mantelpiece. A magic shield once hung there, but it was taken when Strahd's soldiers plundered the mansion. It now rests in Castle Ravenloft's treasury (chapter 4, area K41). DEVELOPMENT Sir Godfrey can sense that the spirit of Argynvost isn't at rest and isn't happy that the order has been reduced to such a state. If the characters petition the revenants for aid, Sir Godfrey (speaking in a scratchy voice) relates all the information.presented at the start of the chapter SIR GODFREY GWILYM

Q39. V LADIMIR'S BEDROOM Light enters this circular room through five cracked windows. The light falls on a large, dust-covered bed in the center of the room, its posts topped with wood-carved dragons. Two large animals flank the double doors. One is a brown bear standing on its hind legs, its claws outstretched. The other is a dire wolf, its face frozen in an evil snarl. Near the wolf lies an empty wooden chest. This room once served as a bedchamber for Sir Vladimir Horngaard and Sir Godfrey Gwilym. The bear and the dire wolf are stuffed and harmless. Looters ransacked the chest long ago, leaving nothing of value. Q40. ARGYNVOST'S STUDY This room is a haven for dust and cobwebs. Three narrow windows allow slivers of light to illuminate bare oak shelves along the walls and a torn, padded chair lying on its side near a cavernous hearth. A picture above the mantel has been slashed, its lower half hanging down below the frame like a torn piece of flesh. An iron door set in the south corner of the west wall hangs open on one hinge. Strahd's soldiers forced open the iron door that once sealed Argynvost's vault (area Q41). They also took every book in this study but one. (Many of the books taken from here can be found in Strahd's study in Castle Ravenloft.) The sole remaining volume lies on the floor behind the overturned chair. Titled The Oath Celestial, the book has been partially burned, and its cover was slashed by a sword. Leafing through the crumbling book reveals that it is a devotional text for knights from a place called the Holy Empire of Valentia. Most of the knights who joined Argynvost against Strahd came from that empire-now lost beyond the mists. JOURNAL PAGE As the characters cross the room, read: You hear the soft flapping sound of wings, but can't discern its origin. A single piece of parchment blows off the top of a bookshelf, spirals lazily in the air, and lands gently at your feet. :·. /:;.� .. ;.�· .· ., Th� shee't �f P��ch��nt·ls the l�st p�g� or'A·�gy{l\ibst's rz:,:;;,;_:'-, 'journal, the re�t of which.was destroyed. Iffhe charac� \t>f:,:r:{, ···ters look at the torn page, show the play�rs the"Journal ;·4.%�;\\:'!:' 9f Argynvost" in appendix F. ·_ '.:�:}tf�It -' �" . . CHAPTER 7 I ARGYNVOSTHOLT SLASHED PICTURE If the characters study the whole picture above the mantelpiece, read: The picture shows the mansion in better days, under clear winter skies with snow-capped mountains in the background. The top of the chapel tower glows like a silver beacon. The picture radiates an aura of transmutation magic under the scrutiny of a detect magic spell, but the aura is weak. If the characters repair the picture using a mending cantrip, read: The beacon in the picture flashes with a brilliant silver light, and the spectral form of a huge silver dragon fills the room. "My skull lies in the fortress of my enemy," it says, "displayed in a place of ill omen. Return my skull to its rightful crypt, and my spirit will shine here forever, bringing hope to this dark land." With that, the dragon's apparition fades away. The spectral dragon isn't the spirit of Argynvost, but a spell-like effect. Once the dragon has spoken, the picture no longer glows and becomes nonmagical. Q41. DRAGON'S VAULT The iron door leading to this room hangs open on a single rusty hinge. It has obviously been forced open and no longer closes properly. The walls of this room are lined with lead. Emptied chests and shattered vases lie strewn upon the floor, their contents plundered. This vault once held a dragon's trove but was stripped of all valuables long ago. Q42. ARGYNVOST'S BEDROOM I Rich drapes, faded by time and neglect, hide the windows of this otherwise empty room. ' .. ': .. • Argynvost preferred t6.:�l��p:i� .. h:i� drago'n form. Thu�. there is no furniture here. . ' : .. .- . I This 20-foot-diameter hol{i�·the �l'!ii�io�'s roof is directly above area Q33,:the.1loob;;f�hi�h is 20 feet below. The rubble on° the ·;oof surroiHict'i�i{ the hole is diffi­ . cult terrain. The:r•dor is.slop�_d and ·covered with cracked ·stone tile!,. Cliinbin'g the tiled roof requires a successful ·. DC 1p �tr�Pi!h: (Athletics) check. A failure by 5 or more . : ... .. �� ... : ..... :. #'<:-': :� . .

causes the climber to slide down to the parapet, landing prone but taking no damage. Q44. DRAGON GARGOYLE I Perched on the rooftop overlooking the parapet is a silver-plated gargoyle shaped like a dragon wyrmling. The silver dragon wyrmling statue is 10 feet above the parapet and has a magic mouth spell cast on it. When a character passes in front of it, the spell is activated, and the wyrmling whispers the following short verse in the Common tongue: When the dragon dreams its dream Within its rightful tomb, The light of Argynvost will beam And rid this land of gloom. Q45. ANCIENT BALLISTA I An ancient ballista, rotted by time and weather, stands behind the battlements on this tower rooftop. The ballista falls apart if disturbed. Q46. DESTROYED BALLISTA Strewn atop the roof toward the front of the mansion is the wreckage of a ballista. Flanking the wreckage are two stone turrets with conical rooftops and narrow doors. The turrets are described in area Q47. Q47. ROOF TURRETS Cobwebs hang from the rafters of this turret, which is empty except for a wooden bench and an iron stove. Arrow slits look down upon the foggy grounds in front of the mansion. The knights who once guarded the rooftop used these turrets for warmth and shelter on rainy days and cold nights. Q48. ROOF'S EDGE Beyond a ragged edge of stone is a sixty-foot plunge to the rubble-strewn ground below. A few rafters stick out from beneath the stone. The edge of the foot ts st�rdy enough to walk on, and not in danger of forther':coll�pse. ' Jt'.s 20. fe�t down to . � . .. ·, . �. ·; I I area Q32, 40 feet down to area Q19, and 60 feet down to area Q4. Q49. BEACON TOWER DOOR The parapet narrows to a width of ten feet, ending before a sturdy wooden door set into the wall of the eastern tower. This door is barred from the inside. The phantom warriors in the tower's turrets (area Q52) make ranged attacks against characters who try to force their way into the tower. These spectral defenders have three-quarters cover behind the arrow slits. Q50. BEACON, LOWER LANDING A rickety wooden landing and a staircase cling to the walls of this tower. The stairs lead up to another landing twenty feet above, and the floor of the chapel lies sixty feet below. The landing and the stairs creak and shudder underfoot, but they are safe. Q51. BEACON, UPPER LANDING Creaky stairs climb to a wooden landing with three windows that look out over the roof of the mansion. Flanking the windows are two narrow wooden doors. The landing creaks and groans underfoot, much like in area Q50, but here things aren't so safe. The 10-footlong section marked T on the map is particularly weak, collapsing under 50 or more pounds of weight. A creature on this section of the landing when it collapses must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or fall 20 feet to the landing below (area Q50). The collapse of this section creates a 10-foot gap in the landing. The doors lead to the rooftops of the turrets (area Q52). Q52. BEACON TuRRETS I A stone battlement encloses the roof of this turret. A spiral staircase descends to the level below. ' . · These turret rooftops are 80'.f�et abo,ve ground leveL · . I·: __ ,,,(.'· The spiral sta'irs descend 20:reet to'.i.i:chers' posts�-- - :.- ... ,-·:-" . /''.-t·; - -· smallxo:oms ii�e�- w.itn,atr9w"slit;;:'$:tinding·gtiard ... \.\ '/: .·:: .. · " .. . in eac�p°f-tff e�1'fo?i,n� \iphantoml;irtior (s��----\ _. :· )' : __ : ,· ,'' app�nd1x [?),�itn c\ spe_c;ttal longbowJhiit shoots arrows .. .- of forii �n�rgy. 'The two Pli�nt�rh �a�r'l���:gai� tJ:ie . :C: .: following' action 9ptions: - '�-:: '\,·/'' . ·: . . . · ., . CHAPTER 7-1 ARGYNVOSTHOLT

•. - - ·: .# 142 Multiattack. The phantom warrior makes two attacks with its spectral longsword or spectral longbow. Spectral Longbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, range 150/600 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1 d8) force damage. 53. BEACON OF ARGYNVOSTHOLT Wooden stairs climb to the tower's peak, which has a stone floor and a thirty-foot-high pitched roof. Ravens roost on crisscrossing rafters, coming and going through small holes in the roof. Ten-foot-high, five-foot-wide arched windows are evenly spaced around the walls. Each window consists of a lead latticework titted with small panes of transparent glass. The ravens that roost here are harmless, but they watch the characters with great interest. If the characters look out the windows, you can use the following text to describe what they see in the distance. To the north and east lies a mist-shrouded valley with dark woods, a small town, and a lonely windmill on a precipice. To the south, a river flows through a foggy marsh. To the west, between rocky hills, you glimpse an abbey perched on a snowy mountainside beyond a long stretch of fog-smothered pines. The small town is Vallaki (chapter 5). The windmill is Old Bonegrinder (chapter 6). The abbey is the Abbey of Saint Markovia in Krezk (chapter 8). LIGHTING THE BEACON When the skull of Argynvost is placed in the dragon's mausoleum (area Q16), the dragon's spirit transforms into a brilliant light that fills this room and flashes across the valley like the beacon of a lighthouse. Even if the tower is cast down, the light of Argynvost remains where it is, flashing in the sky. Although the mountains prevent the beacon's light from reaching Castle Ravenloft directly, Strahd can see the light's glow in the sky to the west. The beacon can be seen in Vallaki (chapter 5), Krezk (chapter 8), and Berez (chapter 10), as well as from Old Bonegrinder (chapter 6), Van Richten's Tower (chapter 11), and the werewolf den (chapter .15). The beacon's light can be."fel.t'' even by'creatures that are blind. The light allow� goo°d;alig�ed. ; creatures to experience glimmers of hope arid}�y. while eviCcreatures find the light disconcerting .. ' · · · - Beacon of Protection. While the beacon shines, characters and other creatures that oppose Strahd gain · a +1 bonus to AC and saving throws for as Jong as they · remain in Barovia. Revenants at Rest. Vladimir Horngaard and the other revenants that haunt Barovia see the light as a reminder of all that was once good and noble about the knightly CHAPTER 7 I ARGYNVOSTHOLT -� /'---.. .?"""" f . I ,, 'I order to which they once belonged. They let go of their hatred and their corporeal bodies, leaving corpses behind as their spirits find rest at long last. Henceforth, any random encounter with a revenant should be treated as no encounter. FORTUNES OF RAVENLOFT If your card reading reveals that a treasure is here, it's resting on the west windowsill. SPECIAL EVENTS You can use one or both of the following events as the characters explore Argynvostholt. SPECIAL DELIVERY This encounter occurs while the characters are inside Argynvostholt. Those who have a passive Wisdom (Perception) score of 11 or higher hear the clopping of horse hooves and the crunch of wagon wheels on gravel. A cart pulled by a draft horse and driven by a mad Vistana named Kolya (CN male human bandit) stops in front of the mansion. After relieving himself on the statue of Argynvost (area Ql), Kolya untethers the horse and rides back to the Vistani camp outside Vallaki (chapter 5, area N9), leaving the cart and its cargo: a plain wooden coffin. The coffin was made in Vallaki by the local coffin maker, Henrik van der Voort (see chapter 5, area N6). It has the name of one of the characters (determined randomly) neatly chiseled into its lid. Opening the coffin releases a swarm of bats from within. The swarm attacks the character whose name is engraved on the coffin. If that character isn't in sight, the swarm flies away. ARRIGAL1 S HUNT Ezmerelda d'Avenir (see appendix D) arrives at Argynvostholt on the back of a riding horse stolen from the Vistani camp outside Vallaki (chapter 5, area N9). She has heard that the reportedly haunted mansion might harbor enemies of Strahd and contain secrets to the vampire's destruction. Once she arrives, Ezmerelda releases the horse (which flees back to its camp) and quietly makes her way through the mansion until she reaches the characters. Hot on Ezmerelda's trail are the Vistani leader Arrigal (NE male human assassin) and two Vistani bodyguards (CE female bandits). Arrigal _ rides a black riding horse, while the bandits ride two-dire wolves. These.dire wolves are servants of Strahd and can't be charmed or frightened. . . Arrigal is determined to captur: e Ezmerelda an_d haul her back to the Vistani camp tc:{face· punishment for .. horse theft. He does nothing to antagonize _ the chatac- · ters, however, and returns to the.Vi�fani camp if he can't convince them to give up Ezmerelda: For more information on Arrigal, see chapter 5, ar<!a N9c . --

CHAPTER 8: THE VILLAGE OF KREZK HE FORTIFIED VILLAGE OF KREZK LIES near the edge of Strahd's domain, and the wall of mist that marks the border is clearly visible above the treeline. Yet even here there is no escaping the vampire. In fact, the villagers are so terrified of Strahd and his wolves that they never venture away from the village. Within their walls, they grow trees that provide ample wood to keep them warm on cold nights, and they draw water from a blessed pool. They have chickens, hares, and small pigs, as well as gardens of beets and turnips. The only thing they depend on from the outside world is wine. The burgomaster, Dmitri Krezkov, comes from a noble family and regularly has wine delivered from the nearby winery, the Wizard of Wines (chapter 12), to keep the locals' bellies warm and their spirits up. Looming high above Krezk is the Abbey of Saint Markovia, once a convent and hospital, now a madhouse overrun with wickedness. After Saint Markovia and her followers failed to overthrow Strahd, the abbey became a fortress closed off from the rest of the world. Strahd ruthlessly preyed on the fears of the clerics and nuns holed up inside, but ultimately it was their isolation and greed that doomed them. The clergy began fighting over food and wine. By the time their supplies ran out, they had either been killed by each other's hands or driven hopelessly insane by Strahd's acts of terror against them. For years afterward, the villagers of Krezk avoided the place, fearing that the abbey was cursed, haunted, or both. Then, over a century ago, a pilgrim from a distant land came to Krezk and insisted that he be allowed to reopen the abbey. The nameless man was strikingly handsome and extremely persuasive, and the villagers couldn't help but do as he commanded. Eternally young, he presides over the abbey to this day, and locals refer to him simply as the Abbot. Many villagers suspect that the Abbot is Strahd in disguise, for they've heard stories about Strahd appearing in other guises. The truth, however, is even more disturbing. THE GLEAM IN HER EYES WAS LIKE warm sunlight on a still pond. That light is gone forever. When I try to imagine those eyes, all I see is a mad abyss. -Strahd van Zarovich AREAS OF KREZK The following areas correspond to labels on the map of Krezk on page 144. Sl. ROAD JUNCTION The road branches north and climbs a rocky escarpment, ending at a gatehouse built into a twenty-foot-high wall of stone reinforced with buttresses every fifty feet or so. The wall encloses a settlement on the side of a snowdusted mountain spur. Beyond the wall you see the tops of snow-covered pines and thin, white wisps of smoke. The somber toll of a bell comes from a stone abbey that clings to the mountainside high above the settlement. The steady chime is inviting-a welcome change from the deathly silence and oppressive fog to which you have grown accustomed. It's hard to tell at this distance, but there seems to be a switchback road clinging to the cliffs that lead up from the walled settlement to the abbey. The Old Svalich Road continues west from this location for a little more than a mile before it plunges into the foggy curtain that surrounds Barovia (see chapter 2, "Mists of Ravenloft"). Characters who follow the road north arrive at the gatehouse (area S2).


S2. GATEHOUSE The map of Krezk includes a diagram of the gatehouse. The air grows colder as you approach the walled settlement. Two square towers with peaked roofs flank a stone archway into which is set a pair of twelve-foot-tall, iron bound wooden doors. Carved into the arch above the doors is a name: Krezk. The walls that extend from the gatehouse are twenty feet high. Atop the parapet you see four figures wearing fur hats and clutching spears. They watch you nervously. Cut into the upper floor of each tower is an arrow slit 6 inches wide, 4 feet tall, and 1 foot deep. An open doorway leads from the archer's post in each tower to the adjacent parapet. Behind the walls, wooden ladders lead from the parapets to the ground 20 feet below. Two archers (LG male and female human scouts) are stationed inside the gatehouse, one in each tower. Four guards (LG male and female humans) man the adjacent walls. If the characters are seen flying or climbing over the walls, the guards assume that the village is under attack and cry out in alarm. Five rounds after the alarm sounds, every able-bodied adult in the village arrives at the gatehouse, ready for battle. Krezk's militia consists of four more guards plus forty commoners (LG male and female humans) armed with handaxes. The double doors are made of thick wood planks bound with iron bands and sealed shut with a heavy wooden bar held in iron brackets. The bar can be lifted with a successful DC 15 Strength check. The doors require a siege engine to break them open. There aren't enough people in Krezk to adequately defend its outer wall. Every 300-foot stretch of wall is watched over by a lone guard (LG male or female human). The guards are trained to crouch behind the wall and sound the alarm at any sign of danger. BURGOMASTER DMITRI KREZKOV If the characters ask to be let inside or otherwise draw the attention of the guards on the wall, one of the guards fetches the burgomaster, Dmitri Krezkov (LG male human noble). His ancestors built Krezk at the foot of the abbey after Strahd's armies conquered the valley. Dmitri is a lord and expects to be treated like one. He places the safety·of his village above the welfare of strangers. He has seen adventurers before and assumes that the characters are Strahd's allies or enemies; either way, their presence spells trouble for Krezk. Dmitri isn't prepared to shelter Strahd's enemies any more than he is willing to humor Strahd's allies. The only way the characters can earn his favor is to help Krezk in some way, whereupon Dmitri is required by his oath of office and his honor as a Barovian noble to show them hospitality. If the:ch;aracte�s ask what they can do, Dmitri asks them t.o secure a wagonload of wine from the Wizard of Wines south. His people have been w_ithotJ.t \Vjn� fcir days, and the next delivery' is long overdue.' If the characters force their way into town using magic or strength of arms, Dmitri tells his guards to stand down, hoping to avoid bloodshed, and does everything he can to expedite the characters' departure. A character who succeeds on a DC 12 Wisdom (Insight) check can discern that Dmitri is trying to hide the fact that he is distraught. He is grieving over the natural death of his youngest son, Ilya-the last of his children (see area S3). S3. VILLAGE OF KREZK When the characters get past the outer wall, read: The mist-shrouded village beyond the wall is nothing more than a scattering of humble wooden cottages along dirt roads that stretch between stands of snow-dusted pine trees-so many trees, in fact, as to constitute a forest. To the northeast, gray cliffs rise sharply, and the road winding up to the abbey is easy to see from this vantage. The village operates as a commune, with no exports or moneymaking businesses. Villagers grow trees and vegetables, cut wood to heat their homes, raise chickens and pigs, and share their food. A few villagers have cows and mules, but there are no horses in Krezk. The village has no inns or taverns. Characters who are willing to chop wood, milk cows, or perform other chores can spend the night in the burgomaster's cottage or some other residence. COTTAGES Krezk's residences are single-story pine cottages with stone chimneys and thatch roofs. Pigs and chickens are kept in indoor pens and coops so that they don't freeze. BurAomaster's CottaAe. The building closest to the outer gate is the burgomaster's cottage-the largest building in town-but still a modest dwelling. Dmitri Krezkov and his fearless wife Anna (LG female human noble) have no living children. The last of their four children, Ilya, died of an illness seven days ago at the age of fourteen. Given their age, the Krezkovs are unlikely to have more children-a source of great consternation to everyone in the village, since that means the end of the Krezkov bloodline. The burgomaster's cottage has a wine cellar (currently empty) and lots of space for pigpens and chicken coops. Behind the cottage is a graveyard where deceased members of the Krezkov family are interred. Dmitri and Anna's four children, all of whom died of illness, are buried here. Several of the family caskets are empty, their contents stolen in the night by the Abbot's mongrelfolk gtavediggers (see area S6). Ilya's ·plot is fresh and undis- .. ·-turbed, since he was interred only four days �go. . '. . Commoner c�ita�s. A typical cottage is only 200. sq�are feet yet co�t�in;:; td4; adqlts (L9 ma!<_:: an.ii. fem,.�!� ... .. : hurrian comniQn.ers), ll:i4 -.i cbili:freii (J;,G male <;1nd .- .. :. female: hu�a�,rior\c!orribatarits), plus:the.f;am\ly'� pigs,· • • ..... ' '> � • l � • � • • • •f • '. ' ' • ' . � � . , ; . hares, .and chickens. ,, .- .... '. ·, ; _;:.,. . . - .. . :. . Eye_;y ·<;ot.tage\as i.t� o�n:gr�v�t�ft�lier, �'.family · : members.are interred .. All the ca��ets : plaP;ted in the CHAPTER.8 I THE VILLAGE OF KREZK

i 11:>' past decade are now empty, thanks to the Abbot's sneaky mongrelfolk gravediggers (see area S6). KREZK LORE In addition to the information known to all Barovians (see "Barovian Lore" in chapter 2), the villagers of Krezk (called Krezkites) know the following bits of local lore: Residents never leave the village for fear of being attacked by wolves, dire wolves, and werewolves. About once a month, a wagonload of wine arrives from the Wizard of Wines (chapter 12), the winery and vineyard to the south. The business is owned and operated by the Martikov family. , Burgomaster Krezkov recently lost his fourteen-yearold son, Ilya, to illness. Ilya was the last of the four Krezkov children. , A pool at the north end of the village provides fresh water throughout the year. Next to the pool, the village's ancestors built a shrine to the Morninglord in a gazebo. It's known as the Shrine of the White Sun. , The Abbey of Saint Markovia is named after a priest of the Morninglord who took a stand against the devil Strahd. After a fierce uprising, Markovia and her most loyal followers stormed Castle Ravenloft, only to be destroyed. .. , The abbey was once a hospital and.a co11ve11t: �ut it fell on hard times after the land;was swallowed up by the mists. Some of the. cle,rgy.'..f�ll pr,�y� to Strahd, while others went mad and.eithef st"at:�ed•themsel'ves to death or turned to ta�:riib;ii�m:·: : ' ' ' . '' . The head_ of the ab Bey, cailed �imply Jhe Abbot, ar- : , . rived over a century ago and hasn't aged a day sjnee. \\ i:;: .. _ . ·. ·He occasionally visits the · Shrine of the White Sun but :·-,,//?,,, >';: . � d�esn't talk much, and he demands tribute in the form ('.,t'i.Plfr/':;. '.i . of wine. No one knows his true name or where he :+:/tff":: '-· came from, and many believe he's Strahd's servant or_, >�\)\:,: · the vampire himself in disguise. · · •'I .. .' .�. ·� � No one from the village visits the abbey anymore. The abbey's bell rings at odd times, day and night, and the place is filled with baleful screams and horrible, inhuman laughter that can be heard throughout the village. S4. POOL AND SHRINE Even under gray skies, this pool at the north end of the village shimmers and sparkles. Near its shore sits an old gazebo on the verge of collapse. A wooden statue of a mournful, bare-chested man, its paint chipped and faded, stands in the gazebo with arms outstretched, as though waiting to be embraced. The pool is fed by an underground spring and was blessed long ago by Saint Markovia. Its waters defy corruption, and anyone who drinks from it for the first time gains the benefit of a lesser restoration spell. (The water once had even greater magic but has weakened over the years:) The water otherwise tastes sweet and fresh. The gazebo is so frail that it \\>'.Ouldn't take more than a strong wind to knock it over. IJ remain.s !!tan?ing because it's protected from the el.ements by the surrnunding trees, walJs, and cliffs. I.he StfltU!!. is a depiction · · of the Morninglord, positioned :s9 tl:iat qe is reaching- . toward the east (the dawn).Locals refer to the s��t!le :• and gazebo as the Shrine . . df tli(fy�ite �un, , though they have no idea why their ancestors named it so. ' . - -· - . ·. _,,:: .. :_"" . .,. ·-- .. ·· ' .. - .. . FORTUNES OF· RAVENLOFT .. · ::· ': i If your card reading 'revea\s'.th�t'..{�reasure is here, the ·, item is hidden under the' gazebb'. The gazebo must be '. torn down to n;a�h it, and doing'that doesn't sit well with the 1oca·1s. 1£-t11� characte·rs damage the gazebo and · .: cion't repa:ir it, afly Gharisma checks they make to shift ; . ; )he attitu'des of _ tlu�:villagers have disadvantage. ;��][{�,.

S5. WINDING ROAD The switchback road that hugs the cliff is ten feet wide and covered with loose gravel and chunks of broken rock. The ascent is slow and somewhat treacherous, and the air grows colder as one nears the top. The road climbs 400 feet, doubling back on itself twice before reaching area S6. AREAS OF THE ABBEY The following areas correspond to labels on the maps of the Abbey of Saint Markovia on pages 149 and 153. The mongrelfolk that infest the abbey are all descendants of one family-the Belviews-and all suffer from some form of madness. Whenever the characters interact with a mongrel folk who isn't detailed here, roll on the Indefinite Madness table (see "Madness Effects" in chapter 8 of the Dungeon Master's Guide) or choose from the available options on the table to determine how that particular mongrel folk's madness is expressed. Most of the mongrelfolk in the abbey are locked up because they can't be trusted to wander about unsupervised. The only mongrelfolk who are free to move about are the Abbot's gravediggers, Otto and Zygfrek, and his faithful, two-headed manservant, Clovin. Clovin Belview rings the abbey's bell (area Sl 7) when the Abbot decides it's time for dinner. The toll of the bell causes all the other mongrel folk in the abbey to hoot and holler with excitement as they wait to be fed. The windows of the north wing are made of leaded glass that is translucent-good for letting in light but not good for seeing through. The windows of the east wing are broken outward and have damaged shutters. S6. NORTH GATE The road from the village climbs above the mist to the wide ledge on which the abbey is perched. A light dusting of snow covers the trees and the rocky earth. The gravel road passes between two small, stone outbuildings, to either side of which stretches a fivefoot-high, three-foot-thick wall of jumbled stones held together with mortar. Blocking the road are iron gates attached to the outbuildings by rusty hinges. They appear to be unlocked. Viewed through the gates, the stone abbey stands quiet. Its two wings are joined by a fifteenfoot-high curtain wall. A belfry protrudes from the rooftop of the closer north wing, which also sports a chimney billowing gray smoke. The iron gates are unlocked but squeal loudly when someone opens them. Two gate gu!rds ar.e 'oh duty, but they aren't awake when the chai:acters arriye (see below). Characters who succeed on a DC 12 Dexterity (Stealth) check can climb over the low outer wall without waking them. If one or more characters fail the check, or if the characters open the gates, the guards rouse themselves and stumble forth to confront the trespassers. The gate guards are Otto and Zygfrek Belview, two lawful evil mongrelfolk (see appendix D). They sleep under piles of musty animal furs. Both are loyal servants of the Abbot, yet not so good at guarding. If the characters seem friendly, the mongrelfolk escort them to the courtyard (area S12) and ask the characters to wait there while they fetch the Abbot (area S13). If the characters seem hostile, the mongrelfolk let them enter but don't accompany them willingly. Hanging on the inside wall of each guard post is a net woven from twigs and pine needles, as well as a shovel. Otto and Zygfrek cover themselves with the nets when they skulk through the village at night in search of fresh graves to dig up. ROLEPLAYING THE MONGRELFOLK Use the information below to roleplay the mongrelfolk guards, Otto and Zygfrek. Otto Belview. Otto is 4 feet, 9 inches tall and squats instead of standing upright. He looks like a beardless dwarf with patches of donkey flesh covering his face and body. He has one human ear and one wolf's ear, and a protruding wolf's snout and fangs. His arms and hands are human, but his legs and feet are leonine, and he has a donkey's tail. He can barely speak Common, and his laugh sounds like a donkey's bray. He wears a plain wool cloak. OTTO BELVIEW CHAPTER 8 f THE VILLAGE OF KREZK

Otto has the Standing Leap feature (see the mongrelfolk stat block in appendix D). His madness is embodied in the following statement: "I am the smartest, wisest, strongest, fastest, and most beautiful person I know." Zygfrek Belview. Zygfrek stands 4 feet, 7 inches tall. The left side of her face and body is covered with Uzard scales, the right with tufts of gray wolf fur. Between these tufts is pale human skin. One of her eyes is that of a feline, and her fingers and hands resemble cat's paws with opposable thumbs. She has a gruff voice and wears a gray cloak with black fur trim. Zygfrek has the Darkvision feature (see the mongrelfolk stat block in appendix D). Her madness is embodied in the following statement: "I don't like the way people judge me all the time." S7. GRAVEYARD Stunted pine trees grow out of the rocky earth in the graveyard near the foundation of the abbey's north wing. The windows of the structure are cracked panes of leaded glass. Ancient gravestones burst from a thin crust of snow in the yard. Beyond the low wall that surrounds the graveyard, the ground falls away. The village lies four hundred feet below, and the view is breathtaking. Carved into each gravestone is the name of a long-dead priest or nun. Some of the names include Brother Martek, Brother Valen, Sister Constance, and Sister Lenora. SUN'S GRAVE The gravestone marked Xis carved with roses and bears a 3-inch-diameter sun-shaped indentation on its east side. Engraved beneath the indentation is the name PETROVNA. If Tasha Petrovna's holy symbol (see chapter 4, area K84, crypt 11) is placed in the indentation, both the holy symbol and the indentation vanish. Then read: A ray of golden sunlight breaks through the clouds to the west and shines upon the grave. The fog and the gloom shrink from its brilliance as the sunlight causes the gravestone to crack and crumble, revealing a ring within. The sunray lasts for 1 minute. If the characters-smash the gravestone without placing T�sha.Petrovna's holy symbol in it first, they find nothing within W§'remains. The ring is a ring° of regeneration,.·: ' ' · : · S8. GARDE·N GA:Ti.·J6tf s�',: · ·· , I A gatehouse stands at the entrance to the abbey gardens. I . The gatehouse is empty. CHAPTER 8 I THE VILLAGE OF KREZK S9. GARDENS Nestled between rising and plunging cliffs are four rectangular garden plots enclosed by a five-foot-high wall of mortared stones. White rabbits nibble on turnips uprooted by the cold. Two lifeless scarecrows with stuffed gullets and sackcloth heads hang from wooden crosses pounded into the cold, hard earth. If the characters haven't cleared out the east wing, add: The abbey's east wing looms over the garden, its shattered windows dark and disturbing. A door leads into this forlorn edifice, which apparently isn't as abandoned as one might have hoped. From within come the laughter and the wailing of things that should not be. The rabbits and the scarecrows are harmless. The gardens contain a meager assortment of root vegetables and squash. The door leading to area SlS isn't locked. FORTUNES OF RAVENLOFT If your card reading reveals that a treasure is here, the item is hidden in the straw-filled gullet of the southernmost scarecrow. If the treasure is removed from the scarecrow, seven wights erupt from the gardens and attack. They wear tattered livery of Strahd's house. S10. ABBEY ENTRANCE A fifteen-foot-high curtain wall joins the abbey's two wings. Behind its battlements, two guards stand at attention, their features obscured by fog. Below them, set into the wall, is a pair of ten-foot-tall, wooden doors reinforced with bands of steel. To the right of these doors, mounted on the wall, is a tarnished copper plaque. The plaque bears the abbey's name, under which appear these words: "May her light cure all illness." The "guards" on the wall are propped-up scarecrows· that wear corroded chain shids·and clutch rusted spears (see area S18Y. A charader · 'Yho s'utceeds on a DC 10 Wisdom (Perception) check'discetns the charade. The double doors are, hea".J.' 'tjut unloc�ed. They be pushed open to reveal a foggy co�rtyard (area Sl2). . . . ' s11. INNER GATE'Hous�s "· '-\·· These two empty buildings help. i�J:ip.ort t):ie cui-tain° wall (area S18) that encloses the ·coui-ty!ird (area Sl2). The wooden doors 'that ie·ad to'thein. a_re unlocked.

CHAPTER 8 I THE VILLAGE Of KREZK --·- ----------

Curse of Strahd - Flip eBook Pages 101-150 (2024)


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Name: Corie Satterfield

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Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.