The Times Herald from Port Huron, Michigan (2025)

Operas EflfL Pfajf At ML Clemens S. S. At Home, IMf MtlAl E. Michigan League Leaders Bathers Confident That They Can Beat Big Reds Of Interest To Sportsmen District Baseball Sunday i Review Past, Look Ahead Mt. Clemens thinks this is "the year" Lansing, Oct.

8 A Hunting 8, Friday. October 8, 1954 Meet Crusaders In Battle To Vacate Cellar Algonac's String Hangs In Balance Against Anchor Bay Ifwl I-D- Auneuc "irecxor ior ori re- A ros ou(look was orecast for and Ml Clemens heard a brief ported on good authority, to be telling all who will listen that he conditions were expected to im- the Eastern Michigan League at review of the cast nine vears as feels Mt. Clemens has the manpower to end Port Huron three- ms weekend after a gen- its annual meeting Thursday u-VJ pi year domination of the Eastern Michigan league. (Kickoff is at Con- night, at the Mt. Clemens' Hill- by.

Rss pclPal 8 p.m.) rla crest Country rluh Birmingham High School. Those three years have been gloomy for Buckholz and other servation Department said today. ScnJolnar, coaches and After a week baseball resumes postponement Sundav on a Makeshift ML Clemens supporters, me iteas nave scorea no points to 13 Hunting pressure was ngni members representing MR. WAGNER mentioned the during the week and SrOUSC COn- RirmintfVi a FomHjlo TTacf T)i- .1... i by Mt.

Clemens. nc ail -JF- vl apui laiiidiisuip uu championship level in the Blue Water District. I The Port Huron Cardinals, de-; fending champions in the Blue Water League, trek to Ruby for a 2:30 p.m. second game in the final three game series. PORT HURON" Coach Bob Hayes said Thursday night that Ron A MPO Groth strained his back in the frosts Wednesday night were ex- LAI, i Makes probably will not be in uniform.

Washington Groh strained his back in the JohnSOn. Smith pected to improve conditions Frank Secory, National motes activities for the boys but Hopes for a St. Stephen victory in the St. Clair County Leagu football scramble ride on a r- The kill was light to date. League umpire, will sag It Two In Row Duck hunting was fair on 'Never In Worse Shape' Says Coach Ann Arbor, Oct.

8 AP For girls as well. The outlook is bright and it will remain so if we all keep in mind the purpose of the organization." said Mr. Wagner. inaw Bay and on most inland lakes, streams and marshes, jj JlnOf LOOD (Mostly native ducks were seen Ken Wheeler was on the doubt- Fink ful list with a heavy cold. Vll I rig III Local school officials urge that Port Huron fans stay out UfU I Only III of the city of Mt.

Clemens Oct. 8 Hazel Park had 22 represents- tnB Michitran Wolverine nece jtives at the meeting, Birming-sity is the mother of invention fwith few flights spotted as yet.l jr. i Only a few archers were in -AP HIGH CONFERENCE Pts ham enorc is neinK maar 10 ni 1, Tt 20, Port Huron 18, Mt. catlirJav uw his ms iiaroia J(nnson. oiaamg iot ft, hunting Clemens 16 i.

East Detroit 11 and powerful Hawkeyes Ferndale 10 surgence of the Hornets' front The Sanilac County League opens it title playoffs with reg-bne on offense and defense, ular season champion Marlette The Hornets meet Marine City at Minden City. Holy Cross at 8 p.m. today at The Jeddo Speedway will con- Memorial Stadium and will at- tinue its Sunday race program. Heat races start at 12:30 p.m. tem.Pt' ftlrd fam- to am Dean Streeter, chairman of the a victory for coach Jerry Lynch, racing board, has announced that A los.s would drop the local the Michiean Auto Racing Asso- parochial eleven into the County ciation will hold a meeting Sun- League cellar, dav during the intermission at Coach Lynch hopes the front Toddo Soeedwav.

line of Bud Kircher, Ron Pelkey, It will be a makeshift lineup Washington 2 Garfield 1 Chippewa I St. Stephen 0 Kimball 0 ny such vidMics as "ft seventh shot at licht heavyweight' some Ked-Bather games of the ws anticipated over pat Ch a pion A rchie Moore, andithe weekend rd BiI -t" Smith seek- Fishing pressure aIso was STATE POLICE warn that the Lirtt f'tS Perch fishing was good in route to the field will be pa- fjj 2 Saginaw Bay. Thunder Bay, trolled all evening. a Thunder Bay river, Sutton's Bay, HOWARD BEECHER Principal that Michigan Coach Bennie at Hazel Park, presided. Oosterbaaan finally patches to- Group singing was led bv Jim gether.

His Wolverines, crippled The question of the Blue Water Loblaugh, of the Port Huron by two major injuries and a Hieh School staff. host of minor hurts, will Drob- Jin jiir-fli .111 nini ir- Elsewhere beaten Ann levoix and at Alpena i Lnar; ir anc settled for the moment at least A group of Ferndale and Hazel ably have more untested material Arbor, hoping to for Moore's title, is quoted as a avoid a letdown after last week's 14.5 favorite here in his home-. Rainbow fishin as Washington Bears defeated Park students entertained with than in the previous two games was fair in Garfield, 25-0. musical numbers. this season, the Manistee vi4Arv Thursday navo At the annual meeting held Chief around tho unusual Dick Wyllie.

Dennis O'Connor. jDick La Belle, Ed Troy nd Phil 'Greening can reveal some of tfw hard blocking and tackling trout lakes, on ool Favors Extra Tryou. Ssfons showing, meets Lansing Sexton, town. His last outing was in a The Pioneers, who deflated championship scrap Aug. 11, ambitious Flint Northern last when, with victory within his Friday, are three touchdown fa- reach, he was knocked out by vorites to defeat Lansing Sexton Moore.

river below Tippy Dam the East Branch in County. For A'l-Star KOOkie5 a regular game Los Angeles. Oct. R-AP-Toach wil1. Hampton Pool of the Los An- Lik.ns John Denczek.

Sh and on coach BiU Nederlanden's Bears Thursday afternoon Mr. Beecher choices will likelv he sophomore Arenac a 2.0 cord in the conference and a named to replace M. J. Tom- quarterback Jim Maddock and sent Garfield into a tie for second hnson. Port Huron, as chairman fullback-halfback Dave Hill with Chippewa.

of the principals. Gus Hanson, These Wolverines may not be Doug Wheeler slipped over for ferndale, was selected to replace tne starting lineup but thev two touchdowns. Len Faulkner Bnck Fouler. Port Huron, as prohablv take a lion's share and Jack Hart added one each president of the Coaches. of th the -eles Rams favors an extra and extend their winning streak That snapped a 12-bout winning to 25 games streak for Johnson, whose record jiantS' I fluG is now 48 wins and six defeats.

Sexton which had fallen on ffive of the defeats were at $pljf ReCOfO Moore's hands and the other was Times Herald Radio Station I T1U 1IT1 1 1 anu duu nwue puncnea over iorf an extra point. rif i 1 In two games Washington has HlllCiriK Lhim of a VurisT th seaTon? wTnt knock-t loss to former heavy- IJ Cp' Qut ning twTgames and tying one. I Champion Jersey Joe Vi al-; YY OFIQ ereS V- Ul Ann Arbor, however, is ex-' Johnian uiI, hav fh. alvan. New York, Oct 8 AP Both ents scoreless.

Fight To Draw Dected to Dack too much all- the New ork Giants and the WTTH will broadcast the game. Today's football schedule: ASTERN MICW. LEAGITK Port Huron at Mt. Clem ST. C1.AIR COl'NTY Holy Cross at St.

Stephen Anchor Bay at Algonac Marine City at MaryjviDe. St. Clair at Richmond around power for the Big Reds LT" kZv, TZZl Cleveland Indians cut up record Fullback Lou Baldaccf and Michigan's chances of udm1-ting Iowa were shrouded in the grey of a warmup lacket on the sidelines Thnrsdav. On lhe eve of their Big Tn onener one Michiean Wolverine coach said. "We were never in worse shaoe." this world series shares from Lansing.

The Pioneers v. mA Saginaw. Oct. 8 AP Sam PUiarik. 158, Saginaw, and Young year, their National Football Schedule Giants, plus have rolled up 97 points in three haj And Twenty-eight and clubhouse attendant.

games, wnue noiamg me wv Smith has KO-d in w-innmg 56, received $11,147.90 each, while iChico fought to a six-round draw Thursday nieht in one of the five fpatnrp hrnt. u.hih nrwncH sition scoreless EASTERN CONFERENCE to am each Indian collected S6.712.50 Y-. recora. mcn goes osck rnmmiMinn FnrA Pet. Another power Fav Citv Central Degms to 1941.

also uicludes four no con- prnaoeipni. a 0 ornoo also include frrnr nn r-n three-Meek tryout for National Football League rookies who perform in the annual Pro-College All-Star game. Pool, taking time ofT while pre paring the Rams for their im-' portant game with the Detroit Lions Sunday, was asked Thursday at a Ram boosters meeting i what he thought of letting such, rookies stay on a pro squad after; the normal cutdown deadline. "It's a good idea," said Pool.i "Too often a rookie reporting; back from the AU-Star game, doesn't have the time to showj what he can do with the chrbj which drafted him." Pool cited two examples this' year with his own club, ends; Tom Scott of Virginia and Ed; Beatty of Mississippi. I He said there was "no ques-i tion these boys could have made I our club" had they been allowed to stay with the Rams to makej up for the time spent on the All-1 Star game at Chicago.

tick announced rne oreanaown riiuounm 2 10 Frick "nounced tne breaKdo for the" Saginaw Valley cham- tMte. four wltn pionship with a visit to erratic os and drew one Thursday The full Giants sh ion 1 1 0 arc i 1 0 .000 THUMB CONFERENCE Bad Axe at Casa City Vassar at Caro Yale at Cros-Lex Sandusky at Marlette 2 the indoor boxing season at Sag- i uosteaail 6 said, "Were reiving on a lot of 2 inaw auditorium. boys ve nevep thnvKht we'd have In the other six round bouts: to lean on." Allan Kennedy, 146, Bay Baldacci, Michigan's most re- i was isiiji mute liian Li i if i 1 'c man Rav ritv entrai nas Saginaw. Washington 0 2 0 COO ii. i iir: vious recora ot me rew i ors otitpointed Joe Oark, 149, of cent serious iniurv.

stood on the WESTERN CONFERENCE IVUinaueHa) ins Yankees of 1953 The Indians Jackson. Oct. 8 AP Rocka-. who distributed 35i2 shares, also scored 104 points while winning its first three games of the season. Pet.

Pt. op Brantf ord. Ont, I sidelines. TTa mM- Detroit I 0 0 1.300 48 23 TT rv TT 3 tzji rJt TaJni4 I unucu ujr rAiaie sei a recora ior a loser. NORTHERN THUMB Harbor Beach at Ubly Elkton at Pigeon Deckerville at Union vnl the players' share of san Frincuco iiuw rui- UI aprmgiieia.

m. won me All told 19 1 1 000 10 1 1.000 110 STRONG cTcnvr. 31 stopped Jerry Gray, 162 of Chi- my shoulder is still a little sore, teatured Albion pace Thursday the receipts came to $881,763.72, ll cago, in the fourth round. Valley entrv. Flint Central, Flint rvntral nitrht tho t.i..j.j 'CWcijo Beri 1 1 0 .500 jbut it's had a good rest." Tt 0 vov "Ljj a ii aii-Liiiic uixii.

intiuu wa careen 0 3 0 Stan Kursa, 136, of Lincoln .000 31 travels to Pontiac. Central owns 1 1 Right halfback Tony Branoff. Raceway. $33,000 for a pre-game World yjlhose knees gave wa a pen eci -u recuru on him meanwhile, Unven by Eddie Fox, Rocka- Series TV program. The players Flint Northern, te iuui af(er iirnited pl av in two games SOUTHERN THUMB Almont at Capac Brown City at Armada Dryden at New Haven with a non- "uuu ueierminea get per cent 01 tne receipts hopes to bounce bacfc witn a non bid fey Jfe fjnish fl Games Saturday Pittsburgh at Philadelphia N) Games Sunday Baltimore at Chicago Bears Chicago Cardnala at Cleveland Los Angeles at Detroit New York at Washington San Francisco s.

Oreen Bst at this season, was not even on the football field. Jay Watkins, 140. of Flint, outpointed John Barnes, l3812, of Detroit. league -5- lengths front in a slow 2:10. per cent going to the competing CanhnVhCoerl5ide of the state, track was rated slow.

rr LITTLE SEVEN Columbiaville at Kingston Peck at Akron Reese at CarsonviKe IT WAS QUESTIONABLE how much rlay he would see for the rest of the year. But the Injury problem was ALBION AP Adrian, seeking to avenge last year's 27-7 defeat, will be at almost full strength for Saturday's game against Albion. Norm Carlson is back in! action for Adrian after suffering! a hip injury. Benton Harbor (3-0) meets Muskegon (1-2) in a Southwestern Conference game. Grand Rapids Catholic Central (2-1) takes a week off from league play and is expected to romp past Holland (0-2-1).

With Purdue's Suicide Sked Dawson Is A Must SO. CENTRAL Imlay City at Millington deeoer than these two first string backs. There is scarcely one first string player who doesn't have NEW U0W PRICE I rT hurt or ills. Even rugged ordinary Notre Dame line, he was trapped with the ball only tackle Art Walker was nursing a i "That's because of our line," the kid enthuses. "Both our games minor Irm-tr By JIMMY BRESLIN NEA Staff Correspondent DETROIT AP The Univer sity of Detroit football team is lookine ahead to next Lafayette, Ind.

As things shape up, Nov. 13 could be the this year were won up front. I've never seen such blocking and! Maddock, who will probably omokv uf i season, me rougnesi nay unio Mate tans nave been asked to ride through lacKimg. direct the team a good deal of stered by an out ntt'n8 since Paul Brown deserted Columbus for the professionals. Dawson's poise, however, has more than a bit to do with his; the time Saturday, will probably "VTk- wr' ll starting Players Tilat lId ehen Buckeyes and their renowned Down- ability to get the ball away.

As viewed in his first two efforts of the nod despite his inexoer- NOW ONLY Tf." tw! "fall Amon the "JeT I 18 P-; ne aoes everything as it ne were ice skating. He glides backience because of the return next tau AUKrebly the best passing back the state of Ohio has produced recent into his protective cup of blockers with a minimum of motion and lnc olar lat weekend fr rn. linemen 95 frhmfn. there are year commotion. I 1 T- i i 1 can McDonald, regular quarter- who scale over 225 pounds.

cl wuiTe, ocuuaru idwwn. ruruue sopnomore; ir- .11 tu- 1 1 PER GAL. See Me Today ANTI-FREEZI NOW PRESTOWE evervTfhl Zv The stor oI how' 0hio State missed this ladbe completed 100 back beca-se of his defensive Alliance, which is" in the talent-rich Cwtoo-Sg-M. and because of his run- Akron are, is considered bv Buckeye backers as nothing more1ciaPI(bably waPPed around hls coach. Mel Knovlton, Purdue nine against Army last weekend than a seasoning area for Ohio State stars.

i more than a creditable The fact that Dawson is at Purdue is tough enough, as far as! 8 fast 8tarjer uthe is the same way in nor- showing. thev are concerned, without tossing in the added fact that Ilfe- He married and has a five-months-old daughter, Lisa, pitching could wTeck the Buckeyes along with five other L. Traill AP Michigan Ten teams COACH IIOLCOMBE HAS a habit of fashioning upsets. Four Normal College is unbeaten 'years ago it was Notre Dame. Last fall it was Michigan State.

three games, but you couldn't tell DAWSON IS THE biggest thing to hit the nation' collegiate! Jr fJ i it by the statistics The Hurcns football acene this year. In his first two games, he completed 18 of! The smashing defeat of Notre Dame this trip could be vastly have made 20 first downs rush- while the opposition has Ia. OHO Ui minn more iiiau an upscv, nunevu, iir iiaiaytiie nas mvie uaiiine uian upKnmi Furthermore, Michigan on rough Missouri team, 31-0. Then he came back to rock Notre Darnel" "as puSSeseu wine uumUs uiu, with four TD flips. Just for variety, he has kicked three out of four schedule as there is in the land.

With Missouri and Notre Dame, Normal has gained 1 yards extra points 'repelled, after powerful Duke come Wisconsin, Michigan the ground to 432 for the or 1 1 Tlltnoi Inwi Ohio Statp and Indiana. isition. tirvu, nixcnn ont nut nt hi crtoto ia hruVer Tho Illinois, Iowa. Ohio State and Indiana. oppo- Campus or Career Aiin9 nativ-a 19-year-old, six-foot, 178-pound lad was the first Alliance High lum- But the Purdue story to make it even worse for opponentis inarv to be an All-State football and basketball selection.

He plays not a complete Dawson tale either. The Boilermakers have a big baseball, which is normally regarded as the tip-off on a true all- and active forward wall, led by Tom Bettis, a guard who was their GAS GRAVITY FURNACE around athlete most vaiuaoie piayer ia! year, junn ucu, reiiwi, anu oi-puuu Vitskj feathers wfth a Wlc of special distinction for wp-to-datf! He is an all-around passer, too Against Missouri, he bombed from long range. Notre Dame met him with a defense that constantly fell back to stop his long ones. He simply whipped short and sharp bullets. His first TD raid against the Irish consisted of a couple of six- Joe Krupa.

a tackle, do absolutely nothing to help the opposition. Holcomb fields a veteran starting lineup, but has a deep bench of young-faced sophs who could ruin and rule the Big Ten for two more years. Included here Is six-seven Lamar Lundy, a giant end. Fullback Bill Murakowski is a junior. Purdue has Ed Neves.

Dale Fuller, Dan Simerson and Dukie men who are going places wonderful feeling FREEMAN'S 1 1 tnv c.r-o TVion ha tVirovL- 91 Then ti throw Bay McDaid For a Better Deal On a New Buick or Pontiac If Too Can't Corns In, I Can Csim Out Phone YU 5-6116 Ask for RAY McDAID at CAWOOD'S 320 Grand River for 17. each time a score resulting on the play. To top it off, he; Kerr from Hawaii, with a strong run of Islanders on the frosh team, flipped a screen pass for the final tally. "We've quite a few alumni in the Islands," Purdue's Bob Wood- worth points out. ANOTHER MARK OF Dawson's remarkable ability just in; There are also some people in Alliance, who apparently case the scoreboard isnt' enough is the fact that against an extra-j haven't forgotten their alma mater, either.

Blade and Whit t2 Saddle Oxford Kimball Wins First Start HOLLAND AP Things can't; get much worse for Hope's foot-j ball team. The Dutchmen havej lost three straight games, scor- YOU'RE College Football Western Illinois 7. Lewis Southeastern Okls 13. Northeastern Okla Huron SDt 1. Valley CU? NT MINOR LElGrK BASES ILL Little World Series Bes-ef- Syracuse 1 ILi 1.

LonuTiUa AAi Series tied $001142 ing only one touchdown. And fhtt nlsvar ti -Vy hv1H that Innp Lome Clark ran 45 yards on Little As a reverse to give Kimball its taUv left balfback Tom Carey, I first football victory of the sea- ia expected to miss Saturday's son under new Coach Vern Hart- game with Alma. net. Kimball defeated Memphis' ninth grade, 7-0. HILLSDALE AP Nate Clark, Clark ran for the score in all-MIAA halfback, suffered several minor injuries first penod and a Frank week may Satur.

son to Wimp Stager extra point day's homecoming game against pass closed out the scoring. Kalamazoo. WAYS SAFER Smokad Elk $11 NORTHEX Ethylene Glycol PERMANENT Anti-Freeze WITH HERE'S YOUR NICKEL Stewart Adams will remove your old 20 or 22 inch cast iron or steel gravity furnace and replace it with a new "Cleveland" Gas Gravity Furnace of equal capacity and connect one hot air run. You can finish the job yourself and save money. This price includes setting up new furnace, sonnect-Ing the gas and wiring.

Larger sizes at proportionate savings. Call for Free Estimate P.H.A. Terms Stewart Adams Plumbing and Heating 2003 Pine Grove YU 2-070 CHANGE- Non-tvoporaring Contains Special Rws Inhibitors fmr GnlUsi rmtalfed PRESTONE 5RAIID ANTI-FREEZE 1. Contains no alcohol. Vapor from solution cannot be ignited by sprk or cigarette.

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Can't harm car's finish if spilled. 2forllSc) Open Tonight tfl 9 p.m. APEX ANTI-FREEZE Oar Regular $1.20 Orada Installed Only 88c (fDQ) mm 'TNI MOST WALKED ABOUT SKOtS TQWW DURO OIL CO. 2401 Pine Grove Ave. 2223 lopeer at Rural St.

YU 4-4575 211 Huron Ave. was $175 NOW ONLY.

The Times Herald from Port Huron, Michigan (2025)


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Name: Barbera Armstrong

Birthday: 1992-09-12

Address: Suite 993 99852 Daugherty Causeway, Ritchiehaven, VT 49630

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Job: National Engineer

Hobby: Listening to music, Board games, Photography, Ice skating, LARPing, Kite flying, Rugby

Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.